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F-Stop Junkie

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Everything posted by F-Stop Junkie

  1. Sorry, I'll loose some weight for next year :angry: I'm actually a stone and a half lighter now than I would have been for last year's show. Random, but true.
  2. Possibly, it just looks way too close to Matt's pics from MBUK.
  3. Ok, none of me I'm proud of, but a few I've taken:
  4. And that would be Matt Berridge taken by Seb Rogers...
  5. I think people are missing the point here. It's not that Yaabaa frames are the next big thing, it's that they're possibly good frames at a good price. Yes, they're not alone in being that, but surely more choice is a good thing?
  6. Cheers luke. You may be right, but we'll see...
  7. I think it's interesting that no-one really gives a monkey about Hawyes these days, and it's only the CLS stuff that gets a mention!
  8. When we get something to give away....
  9. Section7.co.uk Just a start...
  10. Couldn't disagree more. J-Lo's good, but I think he's more following than leading. He does have the coolest back garden ever though! It's been featured in Match amongst others, and it's just sick.. Aaron is in a league of his own, but he's anything but arrogant. I saw him and Kurt Voreisis (i think) in the Red Bull final in 2003, and they choreographed the start of their final runs, looked so cool working together. Aaron's vid Killing Time is great - I think - but his new one should be finished shortly and will be sick. I know a guy who works at DH-Productions and has seen bits of it. Also Dave Smutok, Eric Carter and Anson Williams. All great. Check out Modest Bike magazine (http://www.modestbike.com), it's just great.
  11. He also just front flipped in the latest Red Bull Bike Battle I believe...
  12. Tutorial on macro photography: 1) Read the manual 2) Enable macro mode 3) Take picture, and check it's in focus! Most digital cameras allow you to zoom into the image. It ain't rocket science. What the hell is a 'poon' anyway?
  13. I found that, while Endsleigh is good if you HAVE to insure it separately, putting it on a house and contents policy is a far better solution. When I was looking around, HSBC didn't give a monkeys about how many bikes, as long as the value covered the most expensive one. To be on the safe side, be very clear with them about what the bike is and what it's worth. If you do have to claim, that will give the least amount of hassle when it comes to what your bike is worth.
  14. It's to do with leading the eye, what the brain expects and so on. if the neck is cut off, then their eyes are likely to be near the bottom of the screen, and it looks a bit like they're showing a decapitated head. Try it in photoshop. It's all to do with eye-level in the frame.
  15. I was starting to wonder if my name was going to get mentioned... Paul's right, you CANNOT make a living writing about trials or even producing trials magazines. It's a labour of love, trust me. If you want to get some exposure and experience writing for Section7, then I'd certainly entertain your thoughts. PM me and we can discuss it further. One other problem you're likely to face, in any writing career is competition. I'm not quite alone in the trials world - I can certainly think of one other who isn't well known for what he does - but it isn't a hot competition. Want to go and write for Evo or CAR magazine? You'd better be damn good, otherwise you won't get a second look. I've always dreamt of going into car journalism, but I've realised that it is a dream, nothing more, simply because of the level other writers are at. It's not impossible, but expect a lot of hardship. Ultimately it comes down to experience. Writing for the Bumsville Evening Standard isn't glamorous, but it will give you a chance to develop your style, get experience writing in that environment, and how things generally work - with regards to comissions, briefs, sub-eds and so on. Plus a portfolio of published work is always good. Follow what Paul's said. He knows his onions. Want to discuss it more, especially with regard to Section7, drop me a PM.
  16. There were big problems at Hook Woods with non-competing riders mucking about. Didn't affect the competition, but if one of them had hurt themselves, the land owner was liable for injuries (I think) hence I got a nudge because it had come up on S7 I suggest, if you're not competing, don't take the bikes. Most comp sites are open for practise though for a few quid
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