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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. Fair play 'anniefree', joined the forum in September 2019, laid dormant just waiting for the right time to fire up the spam cannon - Christmas day, 2021. Maybe not the strongest message to start off the spam game, but commitment on the setup that definitely cannot be faulted.
  2. In fairness, the first time I "had it" was before there was mass testing, so it's just an assumption that it was Covid. I still believe it was, because it was unlike anything I'd had before, with pretty bad shortness of breath but it was never officially confirmed. Day four today and I basically just have a bad headache still, coughing up nasty stuff but mostly better now. It'll be a while before I get all my energy back, but recovery seems to be going well
  3. Oh and symptoms: Massive hangover type headache. All over aches. Fever and chills. Upset stomach after meals. It's very different to the first time round, so I guess it's Omicron. The first time I didn't really feel ill, I just felt wiped out and was short of breath - this time felt more like flu.
  4. I'm live on Twitch at the moment, albeit sat down and drinking water rather than beer. Three days of mild flu like symptoms and I'm getting better it seems. Sucks that it hit just before Christmas and ruined plans, but hey ho!
  5. Guess which AnTi-VaXxEr now has Covid? And to answer the incoming question: No, I still don't wish I'd had the jabs.
  6. Yeah I can't imagine they'd ever come out and say "Yeah it's about 30%, but it's better than nothing"
  7. Ouch. (You're not wrong, though)
  8. There's too many factors involved to throw numbers around imo. Firstly, the untested cases. That makes up a massive number, I'm sure, but we have no way to quantify it. Secondly, the way deaths are recorded. Here in the UK it's any positive result in the last 28 days - so a terminally ill patient could have had it a week ago and their death gets marked down as Covid, when it might not have been. Again, no way to quantify it because we're not recording it correctly. And finally, "Omicron" is very easy to spread but is "very mild" according to doctors - this will end up increasing positive cases massively and lowering death rates, so the percentage drops further. Also, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but is this not how Spanish Flu gradually died out? It became weaker and weaker but spread faster? (I read this somewhere, it may not be correct, I've not researched Spanish Flu at all). I don't believe there's a way to publish an accurate percentage.
  9. I haven't suggested herd immunity as the solution. Is your 0.016% fatality rate based on the number of cases that have led to death? If so, that number is not accurate, as there's probably far more cases than we think which have not been recorded - I know plenty of people that suspect they had it but didn't get tested (working from home during lockdown, so they were isolating anyway, regardless of any tests). When I had Covid there wasn't even tests available, so for those first few months there was probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of cases that were not recorded, so the fatality rate is not accurate.
  10. Has it changed now then? I read that they were all approved "for emergency use" and still considered experimental, but if that's not the case then fair enough - my point still stands though, experimental or not.
  11. I agree, but the thing I've found weird through all of this isn't that an experimental vaccine has been offered, it's that it's being pushed to the point of dividing people and in places like Austria, it's being made mandatory. If it was just a case of the government not wanting to look bad, all they'd need to do is say "Hey, here's a vaccine if you want it". I still believe it's mostly about profit and not our wellbeing. The government doesn't really give a shit about backlash either, they know we all just do as we're told - look at all the senior folks in government breaking all the rules over the last year or so, did we cause a storm? Nope, we made memes to share on Facebook. I honestly feel like the government could do pretty much anything now and we'd just get on with it, with nothing more than a slight complaint on Twitter.
  12. To be fair I don't know either of them personally, but I know them both from here and obviously Neil's videos. Just hadn't heard that they were together.
  13. Wait. What?! I didn't know that was a thing!
  14. That metallic paint is stunning! I wish I had the tools & skills to produce my own frame, such a cool project.
  15. Absolutely this! It's been very awkward talking to colleagues and I've not really gone any further than "I chose not to have it for a number of reasons". We are definitely the minority, but I feel strongly enough that I won't let that force me into having it.
  16. Ah that makes sense, what with the Delta variant... Seems I missed everything from D to O then.
  17. A "new strain" has magically appeared just before Christmas, which happens to be "far easier to transmit". It's OK though, "Pharmaceutical companies say they can tweak the vaccine for effectiveness against the new strain". We can all have our 14th booster in January, that's something to look forward to. If it carries on like this, we'll all be micro-dosing the stuff before we enter shops. And a bit of tin foil for you: Omicron is an anagram of both Moronic and Oncomir. Not suggesting there's any links, but it's an odd name choice nonetheless
  18. I wish "Like" was actually "Agree", because I don't really like it...
  19. I just read in the news about Austria now making it mandatory. Wow, super ethical. How long until that idea spreads?
  20. The fact that people have had three(!) jabs this year and the numbers were still climbing raises some alarm bells for me...
  21. I have nothing else to add, but since you aimed the question of why at me I wanted to reply. Ali and Adam have nailed it really, exactly my thoughts and probably worded better than I would have done.
  22. 100.6 here It's almost like I live on chocolate, beer, pizza and curry...
  23. Same here. I'm not being vocal about it other than with likeminded people. I did have to tell my company a few weeks back, but everyone was OK with it and didn't question it (I guess they can't, really). There's a lot less anger / hate directed at the unvaccinated now, so I think the hype is dying down finally.
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