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Deonn h

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Everything posted by Deonn h

  1. hahaha the end, fookin mint video that enjoyed every bit of it damon. Didnt know people still ride sheff and that now a days have to try get a ride going or something.
  2. Good shit!! I am deffo going to get bike back out again soon.
  3. Deonn h


    I no lol was just bored and curious, and there was no will and 2 children so it goes 50 50 anyway. I just though it would be some sort of criminal activity, them swearing against an oath to the solicitors then lying, and coming up with different prices.
  4. Deonn h


    2 people 50/50 split , 1 was supposed to deal with the money, then send a check to the other. They have had a letter from a solicitor demanding all of the paperwork and everything for the house cost, car, accounts etc. They then came up with a figure to the soliciter, 3 solicitors letters later , they have come up with a further 2 Higher figures so nothings to say now the final figure is still maybe wrong. So they have lied to the solicitors twice as well as lying to the sibling.
  5. Diet has been better as ive progressed, gonna try bulk this winter though, im having 3 meals meat in pretty much every one, plus breakfast and other random stuff. Not sure on calorie intake yet i mite have a look at it actually. tuesday - chest / tri thurs - back / bi sat - shoulders / traps sunday - legs Hardly ever do abs or cardio though but thats started to change this winter, going to do moderate cardio and up the calories to increase fitness cant wait to see what condition il be in by next summer!!
  6. Started out about 68kg 5ft 11.5 lean at the start of 2008. Im now 86kg same height and still lean, so about 18kg of lean muscle mass i wouldn't say is bad for1 year 10 months had a month off this summer as well. Good strength train on 42 kg dumbells incline 3x6, shoulder press 30kg dumbells 3 x 8. Aim is to be about 15 stone lean, faster and fitter than i was at this weight. Dahhh bump
  7. 55 , 268, 1065, bit of a guess
  8. Mos Def - Ms. fat booty http://www.youtube.com/user/Deonnh#p/a/f/1/lFyTzjJDeCk Old, real hip hop
  9. Well don't remove every single trace of oil. Once again, jobs a dream.
  10. Me, i'l sell you a 10 bag for a fiver, you in?
  11. I Cannot speak. How can anyone think there is little difference between water and oil, your obviously doing something wrong. I always used to do mine with the whole break submerged under water in a bucket or sink, that way no air can get into the system. Jobs a dream.
  12. Man these pics are telling me how much i miss them good old leeds rides !! Good work
  13. Zoo video 23. First trials video i ever saw. Best trials video i have ever seen. Closely followed by 26 Cant beat these imo.
  14. Yeah i saw it black people are well more likely to have a higher IQ than whites.
  15. Not true, lol depends on ability of the rider.
  16. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
  17. will you get with me
  18. Hmm Yes... i don't normally enjoy videos from you but i loved this one for sure!
  19. Deonn h

    Import Tax ?

    I only got charged £50 for 2 bikes worth nearly £3000, ive had things from america and never got charged.
  20. I think people are looking to look into this matter far too much, trying to justify wether on/off sidehops count/not its just stupid lol. It dosent matter does it if your not in competition. For a comp its a different matter, dont know why people get so worked up over this. Although i like to stay on the wall.
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