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Everything posted by medwaytrials

  1. The older t-pro's came with the sealed ones on an onza equivelant to a dx-32. Much like the picture. It is a t-master hub though.
  2. He cant ride it for s**t though.
  3. Come on, Biff got over 100 comments and inurs sexier.
  4. Yeh i may be up for it. We all live in rainham like 20 mins away.
  5. Nice video and nice riding by you inur. sexy
  6. I just left mine and it sorted itself out
  7. The Cheng shin tubes from tarty are great.
  8. I would personally like to see more punk being used. e.g. NOFX, Anti Flag, Distillers, Less than jake... etc
  9. Max you are a sexy thing you are, wish i was there.
  10. That was lovely. Could have been more of me
  11. Yeh I though it was brilliant, I managed to land my highest sidehop of 46.5 along with many large gaps. It's a shame I didnt go for big st pauls, oh well, next time. My only downfall was that we all split up.
  12. Brilliant, liked it. What front brake are you running in your old video.
  13. when a certain someone isnt quick enough to have some of my sandwitch.
  14. With the hub spacing what i meen is you will not be able to use common stock hubs like the pro 2 and chris king. There will be more preasue pulling the wheel out of line or pulling the chain loose as the there is more preasure on chains on a 26 inch due to the gearing being lighter to pull round the larger wheel. Also the wheel only needs to move a little and the tyre will be way to the left if you get what i meen.
  15. 26" frames that have been modified with horisontal drop outs and holes for snail cams and 116mm hub spacing. Well I dont like the hub spacing and surley the wheel will be pulled out, there is alot more preasure on 26" hubs then 20".
  16. Theres a good chance I will go for st pauls this time just for you jonny.
  17. Top stuff. Loved it, Whats with the t-pro.
  18. seriously, try eating loads of bannanas before you ride and get into a sleeping pattern so you got to bed early and wake up early, also if you still feel lazy keep going at it and if you land a nice move it should get you going.
  19. I hate it when people say get this get that because less people have them. Less people have them for a reason, because the python is a better frame. They sidehop like a dreem, I went 4 inches higher than I could on my Echo when I got one, they tap like a stock throwing you up walls with the long chainstays and they gap very nicely too and over all bring out power in any move.
  20. Let me get something right. He want a 32 hole hub onto a 36 hole rim, now that would be naff. cls had a 36 hole hub on a 32 hole rim, thats different right
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