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Everything posted by David20

  1. Looks well nice, you'll need to give me a blast when you come out . xx
  2. Was a pretty good vid that, but you know aswell as I do, your riding's basically back to the same standard as it was before your injury.
  3. Looks well nice, might have to get myself one in summer .
  4. Looks fit man, especially fit since it's my old back wheel and freewheel .
  5. Dual 05 magura's. No idea why, neither of my brakes ever seem to work well. Meh, I'm used to having shit brakes now.
  6. Quality vid that, seems that 24 is the way to go in Glasgow? Need another big ride in Aberdeen sometime .
  7. David20

    Towler - Monty

    Mint vid Towler, need to get a ride sometime during easter!
  8. Dizzee Rascal Remix Featuring Coldplay - Clocks.
  9. Cracked a koxx xtp mod frame. Snapped zhi bars. Killed many shimano and acs freewheels. Snapped far to many cross-overs. Snapped chains. Snapped an xtp bashplate. Snapped a few magura levers. Killed a good few rear rims. Snapped spokes. Snapped pedal cages. Think that's it .
  10. Nice video man, getting good . Looking forward to the next one.
  11. Stop's your shoes getting covered in crank dust .
  12. Mine have been pretty shit? Koxx browns are mint though, as are the koxx blue's .
  13. Highly doubt it, myself and Aiden asked about it on the nbtc forum and got no reply.
  14. Pretty cool vid, good riding for his size and age .
  15. David20

    Danny Barnett

    Alright folks. My mate Danny Barnett decided to start his 3rd video but thought the clips weren't good enough :/ So here's the clips he had of a couple weeks riding. So comment please, it's sort of a clips teaser for the 3rd video which will be out very shortly. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=tysQ1l0TI_k Cheers.
  16. David20

    Aidan Chisholm

    Yesss Chizz, loved it. Need to get a ride soon as!
  17. I doubt there will ever be another NBTC-Scotland comp if I'm being honest.
  18. Subway, go for one pretty much everytime I ride.
  19. One of the most retarded thing's I've ever read on here. I voted stock, because you can ride it better. Choice is your's though, if I was you I'd just ride whichever one I wanted to at the time.
  20. Weezer - Buddy Holly. Haven't listened to it in a loooong time.
  21. Sorry but what? He can barely backhop? Tell me when you've seen him riding in something other than this clip, you can't can you? And do you think he let go of his bars on purpose? If he could of kept hold of them he quite obviously would have.
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