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Everything posted by deanie-b

  1. It's all depending on which direction you grind in, I believeee. I remember when I used to grind, that I wouldnt grind in a certain direction, I would just roughen the surface of the rim all over, worked immensely . Have another go, and see if it's shit then
  2. I won't say the thought hadn't crossed my mind . JT: Got a slightly battered replacement, while i wait for magura to sort me out . Many thanks guys.
  3. I'd be happy to give it a go JT bud . Curent set-up = Rear 06 hs33, no booster, original oil bleed. I ride plenty of street, the same with natural. Curently got a pair of rock greens :]. Gimme' a pm if you are interested
  4. Thanks very much guys . Will be speaking to 'wheelies' tomorrow in that case. f**ks my plan of a weekend ride over
  5. Righttt. Got my new bike just over a week ago, and it's got HS33's front&rear. Couldn't be happier with the front brake's performance, but lately, after the last few nights of riding, I've noticed that the rear brake tends to be dribbling a little bit of fluid, tonight it dribbled a fair bit, and I did feel a little more sponge in the lever. I dont mind wiping abit away every now and then, but when it's pissing down the lever the second i put the bike down, it's pretty annoying to say the least. I took it apart, and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, however, I am no magura expert, vees are my true love to be honest . Anyone care to shed any light? Attached is a picture of where the fluid seems to be coming from... Any help is much appreciated, I'd like to ride this weekend!
  6. Exactly. Surely this is a good thing, I think it's good to see some new style pushing through. Any trials rider can really appreciate this kind of riding as well, it's fantastic. Possibly one of the most inventive riders in the world?
  7. I really like the 07 t-comp, rides quite nicely. Looks pretty ace too, got mine the other day :]]. But, I think that the long python was/is a really nice rig :]]
  8. Already been posted up buddy
  9. haha! Jt's a f**king lunatic! Sickkk run ! haha That video made me feel all nostalgic :]
  10. That looks f**king well smart, so clean-looking
  11. This looks sick Inur. I've tried something like this before, I gave up about an hour after starting . Hope you can stick with it! I'm personally very interested as to how it will ride!
  12. Seconded. It's not about the name. Some people will love it, more will hate it, imo
  13. deanie-b

    Bye Bye!

    Haha! Hey Matt, hope everything goes okay, it's about time it does dude :]. Talk soon x
  14. deanie-b


    I think really, you just have to let it go. The other day i attempted a rather large tap(with a borrowed bike i may add), and some little shit rode past, on his saracen 20 inch peice of wankpiss, and laughed as i fell onto my backside. I think it's just learning to look at kids like that and think 'Im the one getting a shag tonight'.
  15. Some of you will know that I work at a seat/kia dealership down this way. Lately, we've had around 10-15 complaints regarding the oxy sensors. All coming from drivers up north, no drivers down our way have suffered any engine damage/oxy sensor failure. We(as a dealership), are acting on the impression that there is a trace of 'silicone' in the fuel, affecting unleaded, and super unleaded fuel types only. The main garage to avoid is Morrisons, as they have the highest amount of complaints currently. The bottom line is, should of bought a diesel EDIT: FAO 'Wad', I wouldn't recommend that buddy. A bloke came in yesterday, thinking he was rather 'It', and had tried to replace it himself. "only a half hour job" he boasted. His complaints of loss of power however, meant he had a bill of £670 to fit the proper o2 sensor needed for this model. After he had totally ballsed up on his own attempt.
  16. That is the most pathetic thing I've heard, haha. Well, you have to ask yourself the question of, Would you like a bike that is apsolutely gorgeous, but rides effin badly? or vice versa? I'd take the shitty looking bike that rides like a dream. However, I dont know how you ride, what you like in a bike, or your height. These are all factors that can effect how you ride a bike, and as such, you need to consider these things before spening a sum of money on a bike that might not be right for you. It's not like clothes you can take back if they dont fit you dude. This is something that's seen alot, people make rash decisions on what bike to buy, and then they regret it. I suggest you have a little whip around on both of the bikes mentioned, and see what you think. Alternatively, I could give you a review of the t-comp, but you probably wouldn't be hearing that from me until next weekend to be honest.
  17. I've got a t-comp coming sometime this week. I reckon they look lovely to be honest. The zip is said to be an amazing all round bike however, I just dont like the look of it though. (when your as shit as I am, it's okay to consider the looks of your steed) You'll want to consider length/weight, all that before you make a decision :]
  18. deanie-b

    A Request

    bump? I'd rather like this video
  19. deanie-b

    A Request

    Right, there was an amazing video that I think Adam@Tartybikes found and posted a link to on here. I've tried searching, but no real luck. It was of a bloke on a monty mod, absolutely insane riding, somewhere like spain I believe. The music was 'eye of the tiger'. Anyone know the location of this masterpiece? Love from Dean (If you have the video ) x
  20. Jesus. He was going fast, and it's shown pretty accurately in the images A tree wouldn't rip a car completely in half like that, it would create more of a 'folding' effect, and the cars bodywork would tend to 'wrap' itself round the tree. He's hit that at around 70-90 mph i reckon.
  21. Quality point. Why dont we all have a tug? haha
  22. Buuurn. HAHA. cant think of any Interesting or random facts currently.
  23. The echo new? You dont have any pedals :]]
  24. I dont think you can beat a well set-up rim brake (vee or magura) in terms of instant power when you need it. My favourite brake set-up to date has been a vee brake with linear slick cable,avid housing, heatsink reds on a light grind. In terms of dual disc, I dont think there is a call for them in street riding today, I can see where some of you are coming from when saying that a disc has it's advantages in competition use. But you haven't considered the disadvantages fully. A disc is proven to put a significant amount more pressure through frames and wheels, if you are riding at an elite level in a competition, do you really want to be putting that kind of stress on your bike? Also, competitions can involve difficult,slippery sections, obviously depending on what level you are competing at. So there is a chance to be fair, of you slipping down the side of a rock, and shagging your rotor a good'un. A grind and good pads (imo), is up to the job of a rear disc, perhaps you cant gain as much modulation, but to be brutally honest, the only people (I feel) who need modulation are 24 inch riders, and they dont ride competitions anyway. I feel front disc is a really good option now, my bike that is currently being built up for me now includes a front disc, an avid bb7 , I have opted for a hs33 on the rear however. I think that if you have a dual disc frame, then fair enough to try and use a disc, but i think there is probably more cons then pro's when put up against a well set-up rim brake. End of essay
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