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Everything posted by monty-james

  1. It depends really, do you ride natural? If you ride more natural than you do TGS, as it is referred to, it'd probably be better having disks. Not that i have anything to justify them being better for natural its just i usually see the majority of natural riders using double disk and TGS riders having a front disk and rear HS33 set up. Hope that helps
  2. Good riding there, i dont really see what you mean by "interesting" though. Although i couldn watch it all the way through because i cant stand that song.
  3. Everytime ive used hairspray rain washes it out and my grib turns into a throttle. I tend to file across the end of my bars lightly and put a bit of grip glue on the inside of the grip and slide it on. I doubt many people will want to file their bars though....
  4. Nice, i wish i had somewhere indoor to ride :/
  5. I backflipped over a HMS Ark Royal once. Sorry, i meant to say i dropped out of a lorry once when my cousin was moving house.
  6. Okay, i just read the first page of this thread. I dont understand how a post starting from people having a joke about polar bears can escilate to a fat black naked lady sitting on a bear? I should read the thread but i cant be bothered. Anyway ive heard of vodka being used as brake fluid because it doesnt freeze as easy as water. Ive heard of mouthwash being used too....
  7. Stop shaving your legs then and you'll be fine.
  8. Wow thats pretty awesome quality! The night mode is awesome too, your a good rider! What do you use to upload your footage to your pc and what editing software do you use? Also how much did you buy it for?
  9. That sounds good, have you got any videos on the net i can see?
  10. According to Braniac: Science Abuse, rubbing yourself in wee attracts women. Cant say its worked for me though
  11. Most people seem to be unlucky with freehubs, skipping and braking 24/7 doesnt sound appealing to me. One of my friends had a new King and it skipped all the time, as cool as it looked and clicked (more of a hum) it isnt worth the hassle. I agree with you completely on your second statement.
  12. I remember when i asked this question when i first came back to the forum and i got hated for it, ahh well. Although i use tar, a good grind is better because it is good in most weather conditions. Tar, however, is only DECENT in the summer months which isnt for very long in England. So if its dry your in look but in wet, it turns into big, wet sloppy, pooey, liquid dookie. Hope that helped though
  13. monty-james

    New Camera

    Ive been thinking about getting a new camera for ages. Ive currently got a Sony DCR HC51E (If that means anything to anyone you'll know they are decent camcorders) But id like to invest in a HD Camcorder, preferably a sony. Ive got a few lenses so id like it to have a 30MM lens diameter. Im a bit retro with cameras and still on tapes so i as you can imagine i dont really understand what is better for cameras now-a-days, Memory stick, internal hard drive or DVD or whatever its all nothing to me. Anyone got any suggestions or advisements? Cheers
  14. monty-james

    Bmx Hub

    Prehaps you and your friends should treat your bikes like you'd treat a women, prehaps they wont brake then. Unless you beat women then dont listen to me.
  15. Ive rode bikes without freewheels and i dont really like it. FFW is much better in my opinion ive got an Echo TR which is really good and reliable for its price range. Ive heard the SL's are really good too but obviously they are about £30-£40 more. As for getting your jeans caught, wear skinny jeans, or tuck your jeans into your socks or just be careful?
  16. Thats fare enough i suppose.
  17. I know its not trials related, but i thought id post it on here anyway. We did the classic skateboard/snowboard thing and just generally chilled in the snow. Just asking what you guys think of the edit, i tried a different approach than my usual slow tempo kind of styled editing. Let me know what you think, thanks
  18. So is this gonna get moved to the weekend?
  19. Boumsong also has unique techniques to fixing a puncture.
  20. Yeah, Boumsong deserves to be sponsored. He actually does. Lets make you a video soon
  21. Maybe we should do this ride again on 4th December? If its dry that it. Would you be up for that?
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