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Dr Greenthumb

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Everything posted by Dr Greenthumb

  1. i'm sure saying "over-dose" isn't the best example to set on tf
  2. Middleburn, very very strong, don't you get a lifetime warranty as well?
  3. yeah that's what i heard too I don't understand what this does though
  4. Tunni definitely! Beau how's your rim from the brum ride?
  5. an extreme split personality there
  6. ah thank you both will try the dish washer thing myself, then maybe sand paper the pads? cheers
  7. it isn't on i'm afraid, there is always NASS?
  8. no no dismantle as in remove the rotor, came out wrong. Erm don't think i have knocked it, there could be something on the rotor as it tends to just slide in stead of grip. Does putting it in the dishwasher work well? Dan
  9. Hey all Basically i have the standard 05 t-mag set up, front magura louise and it WAS working immence until yesterday i pulled it and it has gone awful. It's set up fine but it looks like the rotor just glides through the caliper, should i dismantle the whole thing? Cheers Dan
  10. Drill holes in your body to save weight, like they do on rims etc
  11. erm remove any unnecessary organs, i.e a kidney or a lung
  12. This topic has had me enthralled since it started, i don't have a clue who this guy is but you really feel for him, i'm actually nervous for him! hope that tit (seller) gets sent down though, they should bring back public stoneings.......
  13. hmmm, would you be able to build me a website for my company if i pay you? that is if i can't find anyone local
  14. haven't got a clue mate, BUT, i love the look of that site, did you build it yourself? how long did it take?
  15. sounds like one of those virus's that generate mailing lists from sites you have been on. DODGY!!
  16. Hey all Basically I need a website made for my business I haven't got the slightest clue about how to make a website so i need someone to make it for me. Could anybody recommend anyone? thanks Dan
  17. ah good points just pisses me off when thieves are that cheeky.
  18. Yeah i'm with him. ALthough you'd have to be careful not to hit him, break and enter etc etc But ask to view the bike, let him invite you into the house then ask him to make you a cup of tea or something then take it, try and get someone to video it on their phone for the police.
  19. erm no i don't Sorry i'm new to boosters, noticed frame flex the other day so i thought i should sort it So where can i get spacers?
  20. So would these........ --> linky be suitable?
  21. Does anyone know where i can get new bolts for an Rb design booster? are the bolts the same on all boosters? help would be appreciated cheers Dan
  22. I'm with flipkickbs South park is so funny you can't look directly at it.
  23. it kinda sounds like some old greenday stuff?
  24. hmmm i like it. maybe something more lethal than a stick would be your helmet? swing that round with some round-house kicks and you could cause a bit of pain
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