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planet x alan

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Everything posted by planet x alan

  1. chris king (Y) my old xc hub went crack over bars fron 4 ft ish hit the floor quite hard
  2. it wont work anyway will it? with the resevoir on the hope lever instead of the sealed in system thingy or whatever you call it on the magura
  3. im not 100% sure but i dont think the rear wheel will fit into the zoo or zona i beleive the axle is too big
  4. a colouring book this topic made me laugh
  5. not unless you have stripped the threads. cough... me and my middleburns ... cough
  6. trials riders are a unique group. most of them have good taste in music dress sence hatred towards chavs and extremely good balance but trials illiterates know us by indies, moshers, emos.etc i have no clue what group i fall into to be honest.
  7. doesnt a front disk put a lot of stress on the forks?
  8. forget pokemon sega kicked ass especially sonic who watched the sonic cartoons?
  9. after 1 month after taking up biking all together not being able to do sh1t all (not even a track stand) i snapped da bomb bars killed 3 da bomb freewheels and popped the headset bearings so yes bottom line, da bomb = crap
  10. whoa that happened to a girl at a school in my town took the end of her finger clean off not nice
  11. pour some boiling water onto the arms and repeatedly hit it with a large hammer worked for me
  12. as the name says... i love street and try to throw as many random pointless moves in as i possibly can like x up drops, crankflips stuff like that to push myself to the limit what about you guys?
  13. i think xxxxxxxx has already been used because my mate made one called that
  14. u think maybe he had a bad fall and got rushed to hospital or something
  15. you mean the brain never took over the world
  16. i like both feels really. i do enjoy doing spins and front wheel moves but i also like the stability on the back wheel of the higher bb frames. having more clearance also means easier to roll over smaller obs in a comp also i find the higher bb frames impossible to manual
  17. i use a light grind on mine with tar and i have no problems with manuals
  18. woo just came back. i lowered the pressure to about 25psi and i got no pinch flats snapped my mech hanger though
  19. OUCH!!! you gotta post a picture of it
  20. i will give it a go tomorrow evening and i bet you il get another one its my luck cheers for the help guys
  21. im not too bothered about weight anymore i will try to get hold of one
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