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Oak T

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Everything posted by Oak T

  1. Here's one of mine. Ill get new one's soon, will post new one's soon. oakland
  2. Agreed, he's just so smooth and pro, he doesnt like bashing If he cracks one he'll get another for free!!!! Oakland
  3. That's quite upsetting, i was going to get one Oakland
  4. Try getting the lockring welded or us lock tight spray thing. If you dont want to do that just get a tensile freewheel. Oakland
  5. Do you think the frame will be strong enough for street abuse??? Oakland
  6. I hate it when you have done a gap's or sidehop's before, you go try it again another day and you cant do it, really make me angry. Chav's asking how did you pay for your bike. Trying to do a line and people walk past extremely slow. Riding around town on a saturday and people always shouting "where's your seat". oakland
  7. I just realised that my laptop is screwed and the keyboard is broke so its hard to type. I shall get a new laptop soon ill get that edited Oakland
  8. If you had to where a eye patch you would seriously look like a pirate haha. Teachers still shocked at school? Bet people are saying you ok and im soooo sorry haha. Oakland
  9. Yup i do think the only people that will use it are the teams. Looking at all the koxx bikes most of them do not have mechs. Oakland
  10. Yeah there are a few rider round manchester i know and me, if your riding manchester please dont do it on a sunday because i cant get in they are still doing track work. If you are riding manchester ill be up for it, just add me on msn and we'll chat man. oakland_d_2005@hotmail.co.uk Oakland
  11. Does anyone know when the new episode i on???. I mostly lovely the ferrari enzo episode, that looked planted when its cornering Oakland
  12. Now thats just gay. Please come out soon . Ill make you feel better, lets go ice rink!!!!!!. I got my rear wheel fixed doesnt move now!!!!. Get better soon danio!!!!!!. i found a booster for ill give it to you when you are out next. Oakland
  13. alright neil i havent spoken to you in ages, use msn again please lol.

  14. Yeah sure ill deffo be up for it man. Have you got msn? if you have just add me oakland_d_2005@hotmail.co.uk Cheers for the vid adam but i dont know where that is but i will try find it looks wel good. Oakland
  15. I havent lived in manchester for that long, Im trying to find spots in manchester good to ride, I know the church by urbis but you get kicked off there now. I was wondering if anyone has any vids from manchester. Oakland
  16. Indeed it does work really well but try the disc cleaner by muc-off i think thats the name. Oakland
  17. Oak T

    Craig Lee Scott

    Loved every single vid!! . I was just wondering in the vid july 07 clips what hub or freewheel is he using?, it sounds sweet and including his brake. He's an inspiration to me, love the way he sidehops his front wheel right on the edge. Oakland
  18. Thanks alot guys. Have a look at that link i cant believe it, it just moves so fast. Oakland
  19. We got there at 12:30 if you would have waited few mins longer Oakland
  20. I'm trying to hide my friends and comments on myspace, does anyone know how i can do this? I've been up all night trying to find out i have had no luck what so ever. (myspace is sorted) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtKuBKIaVvs&NR=1 I dont have a clue if thats real or fake, what do you people think? Oakland
  21. Agreed with you there . I ride because you get to see different parts of the uk and meet new people, you can have an excuse to go somewhere far. It takes your mind of things your stressed at. Oakland
  22. Really does make my day, that vid really inspires me too push myself and keep riding Vid made my day, well every time i watch that it always makes my day good. Oakland
  23. What time were you at the station? We was at piccadilly station we were running a bit late. Oakland
  24. Yes it does but just make sure you dont put too much on. If you put too much on use white spirit come right off. People tend to use a grind a lot better then tar. Oakland
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