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Everything posted by Onzaallen

  1. Use the search, there is a fair few topics about both frames. I think the zona is just a wee bit shorter than the zoo short but the cls version is a lot longer than the zona. Use the search and you will find out.
  2. Read the guidelines! The big red box at the top of the page, no forsale/wanted topics in new members.
  3. I have just searched shoes and there is a few topics but if you can't be bothered searching then i can't be bothered helping. Good luck.
  4. Hey what is you're msn again? I got offered a lot of things and lost track of who offered me what. what front wheel is it? I have the gold rim on its way tomorrow so i don't really want to go spending more more money on wheels/rims i don't need.
  5. If you guys make a weekend of it i could come down after work on the friday or saturday morning on the bus or train.
  6. Hey james, Hows it going? That is a very good first post! plenty detail just make sure you keep to the guidelines and you should be validated in no time. Speak to you later man.
  7. Cheers for the help gus. So far i am for definite getting........front gold try-all rim, supposedly a 28 hole? i am unsure what hub to get though as most rims are 32 or 26 hole so is the guy right in thinking it is a 28 hole? I am also getting a rear black try-all rim with some hub that i have never heard of.
  8. Some guy sent it to hope to get it service, might be worth the try.
  9. It was for an appentiship thing i needed a photo, I got it done it is just a white wall in the background. Cheers for the help guys!
  10. Hey gordo, That bike is pimpin!! I love the all black look, much prefer it to the green, yellow ect. Did you have to get a new crank puller? I forgot to give you you're one back sorry.
  11. Hi, i Have got a few pictures of myself on my laptop and i was wondering is there anyway of changing the size to a passport photo size? Like the ones you get in the photo boothes, just the cost £4 for 4 photos and i only need one! Help would be much appreciated.
  12. I hardly ever swear in real life, In fact when i was at my mates the other week one of my other mates say "cowe, i have never heard you swear before," he seemed really quite surprised. I don't think swearing helps matters at all so i never find the need to swear, even if i am really hacked off. It doesn't bother me if people swear at me or when we are having conversation. I don't really like it when people swear on here as there is young people on the forum and it just looks bad, in my opinion........ Thanks, Allen
  13. Hey thanks guys. I will defonately get the echo easy forks, fsa bb, tensile cranks and zoo bars.
  14. Cool, that is one smart looking t-pro. I am going to try to get mine something similar, just silver bars instead of red.
  15. Hi, I just bought a second hand onza t-pro in mint condition! I really want a front disc set up for it and it to ride as nice as i can possibly get it to, i would also buy eno or tensile and new bottom bracket and cranks if it would help to get the bike riding nicer. I am not to worried about money, i am not minted but i would spend the money if it is needed. I am wanting to buy second hand for the forum as it would be cheaper and they is very rarely every anything wrong with the things on the forum. I mainly ride street type stuff if this help. So suggestions would be good as to which: Forks- front rim- front hub- front spokes- Rear rim- Rear hub- Rear spokes- Disc 160mm- freewheel- chain- bars- stem- headset- cranks- bottom bracket- Could you please copy and past the parts and wright you're suggestions beside the parts and a wrought gied price. Thanks Allen.
  16. Hi, I am Allen. The guy that sent the mounts to 'nickw,' he told me that he was good friends with cooper and he would send the mounts cooper when he received them from me. So i thought that the road in the same club or something and just sent them away to nickyw. I then thought that cooper had received them so it had all gone well. I do not think that it was right of nickyw to not give the mounts to cooper because i was happy for cooper to have them (i gave them to him for free.) This makes me kind of annoyed that nickyw did not tell me about what had happened with the mounts, and instead just leant them to a mate because form what i got the mounts belonged to cooper. Nickyw is sending me the mounts because he will not send them to coooper because he thinks he is a scammer (sp), maybe so but he was not going to scam me as there was no money involved. So i think this topic should be closed as the two are as bad as each other in my eyes. Thanks Allen. P.s cooper i will send them to you when i get them ok?
  17. Onzaallen


    Hi, I can't help but think about this, I was scared of dieing for a few year, this may sound stupid but i was. Also when i am at work, i have to go up ladders and i had to chistle out a whole in the wall for a waste pipe (i am an apprentice plumber) and i was worried that the wall would fall down and kill me. I always think, if i fall will i die? If i don't make this will i die? I hope i manage to grow out of it though. Does anyone else got this? But anyway i am really keen on this 'donor card' thing, my sister has done it, i was going to but all the paperwork got wet in my pocket at school so i never got round to getting a new one, i will do some time though. The reason for me wanting to do this is, i was saved my other peoples blood because i was born with a brain hemmerage (sp) so if it was not for other peoples blood i would not have lived. That is the reason i like the idea, so i can mabye save other people in return. Sorry if this is not appropriate but i thought it was the right place to put it.
  18. Hi and welcome to the forum mate. Here is a link to his bike. I think you're bike looks good, the chain stay protector makes it look good. Edit: i have added you to msn i might have a rear magura if the sale of my whole bike falls through.
  19. Hi, I just got one a few weeks back and i think it is brilliant! I know it has been said before but it really is a good price and it is easy to upgrade. Edit: spelling and Here is a topic, this is more about pictures of t-pros but there is also some opinions about them. I will look for another few topics on t-pros as i am bored. Here
  20. new members are not aloud to pm or be pmed.
  21. Onzaallen


    His excuse was he was talking to too many people at one time so he blocked me lol. I found that pretty funny and a very lame excuse. I am not worried about him buying my bike now any way and thanks for the help people.
  22. Hi i am 15 nearly 16, i selected under 16, I get paid £2.60ish and hour so i selected under £3.50, i am not 100% sure how much i get paid an hour as i just started my job two days ago, I am an apprentice plumber. The reason i started at 15 was because i have finished all of my standard grade exams. I i'm getting a pay rise soon though, to £2.75 an hour that is how i know i am under that at the moment. Cheers Allen.
  23. Onzaallen


    Thanks guys he came back online yesterday and told me the reason for blocking me. thanks for all you're help though. I think that the block checker was just a virus.
  24. Onzaallen

    Bye Bye!

    Hope you get better soon!
  25. Hi, i need some help on which bike to chose......... A mod may move this if i have it in the wrong place. I am moving in to the adult clubman class next year and i am getting a new bike, It is going to be a beta for definite but i am not sure which one to get, the 250 or the 200. I am currently riding an 05 125cc beta and really like it but i am getting a new 07 in november and i have decided to get a more powerful bike. I would like to know if the 200 beta is still like what its was in 2001-2002, well at least what my mates was like, it was very dead feeling and petty gutless for hill climbs and steps. I was all for the 250 as i had a shot on my mates and loved it, only in 1rst gear as it has enough power for me, that was just because i was used to the 125, i presume i would get used to the 250 in 2nd and 3rd after a while though. I then went to a trial on sunday and three people said to get 200's because they had the grip of the 125 and enough power so you do not need to have full revs at the bottom of a 2ft step like you do on the 125. This left me confused and very unsure of what to do so i thought i would ask on her as there is a few motor bike trials riders and it would save me registering on trials central. The only problem is there is not many people with 200 in scotland now because of the 125 rule for youths, so it is not easy to get a shot on one. Any help would be much appreciated.
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