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Everything posted by Onzaallen

  1. Yeah, thanks for sending them all them times micheal, don't worrie about them though i will just find some from the shed. cheers
  2. I have had some real problems with royal mail as well, sent stuff and it has taken nearly two weeks to get there, and i still havent got my bolts for my disc which were sent three weeks ago today
  3. R.I.P steve, thought go out to his friends and family.
  4. I don't think that weight really matter, just enjoy you're self. I am 16 years old and 5ft 9", i weigh 10 stone but i am fairly skinny and i find riding easy enough. But as has been said, just if you are big doesn't mean you can ride, i have seen really fat moto trials ride (i know its different because you are not so flicky on a motor bike) but they can still pull the bike around well. This should help you to tell if you are under weight or over weight. Sorry about the chart it has my weight ect underneat The_weight_thing.doc
  5. cheers, i have unistalled it now, it is still in my itunes but that is ok, i will get a cd and burn them onto it then delet that. Thanks so much for you're help.
  6. I just thought, i want to get music cheep so i will just get the basic and my mate has had it for a year and has had not problems, so if anyone knows how i can get rid of limewire then i can just get my mate to get music and i will give him cds to copy them onto. So if anyone knows please tell me.
  7. o crap my mate told me it was perfectaly legal because it was the basic, before this gets closed anyway i can cancel my sunscriptions from them? i am not sure if he has to subscribe but i don't want any bills coming in for using ilegal sites. please help me
  8. Thanks for you're help i will try that and see if it works. But could i please ask why it is going to get closed?
  9. Hello, I just downloaded some songs form limewire basic (its free) and i now have a file in my itunes but i can't import them into my libary so i can put them into my ipod. Could you please tell me if this is possible or not. Thanks, Allen
  10. Why have you removed all of you're posts? There was some bags for sale in the forsale section i will just go and see if i can find them and then edit if i do.
  11. Hello, if you just stick to the guidelines at the top of the page in the red box you will get validated pretty soon, if you use bad punctuation and text language then you will never get validated, or at least it will take ages. The reason forsale/wanted is not aloud in new members chat is so that no one scams anyone this is also the reason as to why you can't post threads in the forsale/wanted section. Good luck with getting validated. Edit- this is why you're other thread about selling you're t-raptor was closed
  12. If you mean on here he can as he is still a pre-member. I would say just scout around on ebay and see what comes up. I have bought a t-pro as standard 2nd hand for £200 a few months ago and used the other £150 i had to upgrade things like forks and front brake. That would maybe be worth looking into if you could find one around that price then just upgrade with the extra cash you have. I really like my t-pro..... it feels fairly light and rides very nice as well.
  13. I am 16 on monday, wish i was 17 so i could learn to drive.
  14. tarty do them for £70 each HERE. Allen Edit that is the 04, is it the 05 you are looking for, if so try ebay.
  15. Yeah i really do, but the nearest person to me is 70 miles away, that an hour drive and i do moto trials every weekend, that is starting to get boring now as well as i don't have any one to ride with in that either.
  16. Hi, I ride on my own all the time i hate it so much, some people like is as they don't get distracted because of people talking to the. The only way i like to ride on my own is if i listen to music, but that soon gets boring as well.
  17. Hello, if you think that the freewheel needs changing then change it, it sounds to me as though you want a new freewheel.
  18. Yeah it is just the same here on the isle of skye People stop to take pictures of the highland cows so if i am on my motor bike trials bike or push bike trials bike (not as often) people take a few pictures of me and look really amazed.
  19. It has happened to me a few times, but just tuck you're right trouser leg into you're sock.
  20. Hey, if you are loosing interest stop riding for a couple of months then get back on you're bike, i did it and i am enjoying myself so much more now. I am not that good for the time i have had a bike, i got my first trials bike (onza t-bird) on christmas day of 2004 but just learned how to forward hope last summer holidays and did my first competition last october holidays, i have only done one competition, i really enjoyed that one but i am more committed to motor bike trial so never have the time to do push bike trials. I hardly every ride because there is not anybody that does ride within 65 miles of me . But if you are counting how long i have been riding bikes it has been 12 years, i learned when i was 3 to ride without stabilizers lol. Cheers, Allen.
  21. Hello simon, i thought you might have the wrong person lol. Its probable because we are both from scotland that you get us mixed up and there is not many scots on the forum really. Speak to you on msn dude.
  22. Yeah that seems to be what everyone is suggesting so thanks guy, what are they? i have never seen one......are they expensive?
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