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Everything posted by Oxyfin

  1. Oxyfin

    Echo Rims?

    hi, just a quick question.. Im wanting to order a set of new echo rims in white (or some dob magnesium white), everywhere seems out of stock. Either the 06, or 07 versions would do. Ive tried the usual tarty, select, trialsuk, If anyboy knows where i could track some down this would be a big help. tarty said it mite be a few more weeks before they get some in. Thanks
  2. cheers for the offer, im down in pompey this weekend, so wont make it to hackney, ta though, send me a pm if ur out another time..
  3. Right here it goes.. Ive just moved to Sutton, finally got my bike down there and am looking for some riding buddies. Little about myself - im 22 just got a new job, been riding a long time, got a zone zenith. Have done some comps at intermediate level, havnt ridden in a while so im looking to get back into it. be nice to find some people to ride with in Sutton, in evenings or weekends (its a fairly small city so dont know if there are any riders about) So if your around sutton, epsom, kingston, croydon, or even just up for some London rides.. I dont have internet at the mo, so just give me a tx and we'll organise a ride, (07932308022) Thanks all.. Martin,
  4. This is really awful, sorry to hear about all this, best wishes to all his family and friends..
  5. hey guys, I'll join you for a ride in Hern Bay. Not sure where to go once im there, but im sure i can meet u somewhere along the seafront.. give me a tx or call over the weekend if your definitely riding (07932308022). I havnt ridden hern Bay in years, cheers Martin
  6. ash mate, thats lush.. i didnt really like the song at the beggining, but it actually goes really well with the vid.. very very top! nice one
  7. it was super cycles.. they stil have some availibale on their web site (supercycles.co.uk) but looks like the price has phone up by 100 quid
  8. Ramsgate sounds good.. Maybe not ride sunday, forgot it was easter sunday, how about friday or satuday, U guys free?
  9. Hi guys.. Ive come back home to kent over easter have 2 weeks off.. anyone interetsed in a ride,? i live near canterbury, so was thinking either Ramsgate, Hern Bay, Dover, deal, ashford (poss).. i dont really ride much in kent (as no-one i know rides anymore) so dont know wheres good. Im free for the next 2 weeks untill the 16th of april, so anytime would be good, Could organise a big ride this weekend 8th maybe? Any locals give me a pm.. Really up to for getting some good riding in!!!!!! Cheers.
  10. its martin ash.. dont belive you still get me and neil confused, lol
  11. so hit it anti-clockwise then??
  12. hi there, just a quick question, my tensile freewheel (rear/on a revolver hub) seems to be skipping a bit lately, ive heard they tend to come loose if u run them on the rear, how would i tighten it, is it the lockring on the front? is it a case just a case of tightening this, (i dont have the tool to fit the indentations, so hit it round?) Any comments would be helpful, cheers
  13. i agree with the others, dmr revolvers are quite nice.. theres not really alot to go wrong with them. my tensile is starting to skip a little, so dont really know what i would do to clean/remove/tighten it.. but i would recomend sicking with a revolver, as its quite solid, and if anything goes wrong freewheel replacement isnt too costly
  14. i run a tensile on the rear.. works fine.
  15. Oxyfin

    Police Info

    it seems like the police are there to punish us but not help us...
  16. Oxyfin

    Police Info

    i was there on sunday and got a fine as well, £30 was very annoying.. It did seem like in this case the police powan (well PCSO) was out to fine us and no polite words would have put her off.. We had a long convo with her, (i wasnt pleased and was trying to argue the fact that it wasnt really a crime) she brought up the point that skateboarders cant be fined, which is interesting because they probably cause as much, possible more damage to objects (benches, walls etc..) but they cant be fined at all!! The police woman even fined 2 older couples just cycling through a carpark by the monument/sea front we were riding at, (that would have put a dent in a couples afternoon ride along the seafront). It was a poorly signposted no ride area, and i think in this case the PCSO was just out to cause some annoyance, usually coppers are nice and a simple move on with surfice,, thanks Mart
  17. Oxyfin


    lol.. it was a close one, think i just dipped the front in 2 much and the tyre slipped a bit, (think it was a little wet that day) not a bad stack as it goes! and neil: the gap looks bigger cos you have smaller bike now, lol ! you better come down in the next few weeks when your healed.. cya soonx
  18. Oxyfin


    Just a little stack for you... (u know u all enjoy them) ! http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...rtsmouth+trials thanks
  19. Oxyfin


    hey, Dont know if you guys have seen this but its worth a little look, http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/NoVATonBikes/?showall=1 x
  20. best vid yet.. really like the editing, riding is ace well done.
  21. ive been waiting for this for a while, it was supposed to be out 8th of Feb initially, but has been put back for some reason, Looks nice and strong, cheaper than a rohoff one, gotta be good
  22. cheers for the info. i found some info on a helmet manufacture called headstrong.. " Headstrong announced something called "Thin Skin" technology, described in their literature as a new inner foam making the helmet significantly thinner.." found it on http://www.helmets.org/helmet97.htm although this is a pretty old article, and i couldnt really find any more info about headstrong product, have found some headsets and lights, but thats about it, think ill keep searching
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