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Egg Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Egg Fried Rice

  1. even though this isnt heatsink, get koxx bloxx browns, very grabby as it is a hard compound, very very loud with a grind and a very good wear life but they are quite expensive thanks John K
  2. hi i have sprayed my t-pro but now it has no stickers on it. i was wondering where i can find onza templates or stickers where i can take to my custom design vinyl shop for them to make me one. or if anyone has an idea just post it thanks very much John K
  3. hi, can someone please tell me the song to this video please thanks really good craig lee scott video too but i think its old LINKY thanks! John K
  4. that was an amazing video. he has a nice car too John K
  5. im sorry furball lol, let do what derf sed, go to some shop and buy a bbq and we'll all chip in for meat and burger buns or wateva. John K
  6. if the V8's were that good, why did u have 3 pairs? you only use 1 pair at a time lol unless you've got 3 bikes thanks John K
  7. oh i see now, but the other side has better stuff near asda, oh well, see you all there. should be a good day out. thanks alot derf John K
  8. nice i organised this ride but and i dont even know where the spar is haha can someone tell me thanks John K
  9. i only have 1 science test which is on friday which is also my last test woo! John K
  10. you have an exam? hmm....up north must be different, theres no science exam down south on the 22nd John K
  11. id ont know actually are you going to the ride? cos i swear i was gonna buy something off you thanks John K EDIT: i rememeber! koxx bloxx! woo!
  12. thats what i thought, t-pro ones are black and look plastic thanks John K
  13. maybe because its the name of the bike John K
  14. hmm.....it may be an old version but when i bought it second hand, the kid told me hes nver changed anything on it. thanks John K
  15. the look very similar in my eyes thanks John K
  16. does anyone know whether the hubs on the 2005 t-pro are the t-master hubs becuase they look exactly the same thanks John K
  17. i can't believe how much abuse this person is getting, it makes me sick. i thought trials community helped each other out, encourage them, push them, give advise and help out a fellow rider but this thread just says it all. i bet you was all like him when you all started trials John K
  18. i use tar and without it im screwed lol i buy my rim tar of ebay. £2.99 for a good lump on it to last at least half a year of everyday riding. thanks John K
  19. yes you will need one but not the ones that you get on mods (chain tugs) usually on mods they have something like this link you will need one otherwise your chain will always becaome slack and get chain slap alot thanks John K
  20. ive used them and there amazing, worth getting John K
  21. hi all ive been trying to do a 360 degre spin on the back wheel static but ive been trying for ages! and i always seem to only be able to just get before 180 and never the full 360. is there anyone out there that can give me a few things on what i need to do, i think im missing something. i ride a mod if that helps Thanks! John k
  22. just a quick question, is there any difference with the 2005 and 2006 models of the zoo! python? thanks John K
  23. watch link its probably really old but i've just discovered it from another forum :$ John k
  24. it should be one hell of a fat day, is there anyone that does photography or can bring a camera with them? i will bring my digicam but if someone turns up with like a top of the range D-SLR, then i would be rather umbarrased to use mine and i wanna ride rather than take pictures lol John K
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