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Status Replies posted by dann2707

  1. £180 to get my car back from impound. Well that's me taught.

  2. £180 to get my car back from impound. Well that's me taught.

  3. Sidehopped 42" today :D

  4. Van's all packed, ready to hit Radfest tomorrow. Look out for the midget with a ginger beard ha ha ha. Gonna be epic.

  5. Van's all packed, ready to hit Radfest tomorrow. Look out for the midget with a ginger beard ha ha ha. Gonna be epic.

  6. off to radfest early tomorrow, gunna be da bomb! :D

  7. Just missed out on an immaculate Echo 24" for only £400... Close to tears....

  8. Graduated with a 1st class!

  9. There's a moth the size of a small bird in the box and I don't know where it's gone!

  10. hey i just met you, and this is crazy, so heres my number, call me maybe. its a catchy song dont deny it.

  11. Job interview at Halfords tomorrow. REALLY hope I get it.

  12. Job interview at Halfords tomorrow. REALLY hope I get it.

  13. Job interview at Halfords tomorrow. REALLY hope I get it.

  14. Trials-forum is simply the best! :)

  15. Girl logic is absolutely flawed

  16. Ross Clayton has picked up yet another new sponsor, Inspired bycycles, he will be riding the new danny mank 20" tgs machine

  17. Sikipediabot is so good - How do 5 homosexuals walk? In one direction.

  18. 2 Weeks on friday til radfest.... Can't wait!!!

  19. Saturday - sa TURD ay. YOU CAN'T UNSEE.

  20. i swear to f**king god :@ cant wait till i see you your f**king dead :@

  21. gone back to using plastic washers with my clamps and my brake is now 1000% more savage. Don't get it !

  22. gone back to using plastic washers with my clamps and my brake is now 1000% more savage. Don't get it !

  23. gone back to using plastic washers with my clamps and my brake is now 1000% more savage. Don't get it !

  24. gone back to using plastic washers with my clamps and my brake is now 1000% more savage. Don't get it !

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