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Wots The Worst Thing Happend To You Doin Trials


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I bunny hopped up a wall with a rail on top, the rail was only 2ft high, i was trying catch the rail and maual of it, only i came up short wheel hooked up on the frontside of the rail and i went over the handlebars. My hands hurt, but i ignored it, as i wasn't surprised it hurt. bout 5 days later, my right wrist had swollen up. Went to hospital, turned out i had tendonitis. Basically i had damaged my tendons, but where i continued to use my right hand my tendons swelled up and then leaked (sounds nasty but it wasn't). Nurse put a splint on my arm and sai i had to have a week off work, if it didn't get better i would need physio. Luckily about 5 days later my swelling had gone down, and 8 days later i was riding again.

I find it funny how, what turned out to be a really serious injury was coursed by such a small fall.

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riding my bike in sandles. (The ones where you just have a little bit between your big toe and one next to it.) Tapped a wall jumped back then my ankle twisted, and because I was wearing sandles it went even worse. Also saw someone do the same thing today but he was trying a 360 with shoes on but his ankle twisted up quite badly.

Matt Rushton

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