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The Late Night Thread.


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Yeah man, It's getting to the stage for me where im beginning to loose all respect for my country and that thought actually depressess me.

And it's not just the drugs issue it's everything else aswell. Take housing for instance, come monday i'm getting evicted 'cause in the resseccesion i lost my job and so did my sister(both same company) and despite the face that i've lived in this country all my life have always had a full time job since the day i left school, i'm told that in all reality they will house illegal immigrants before they will find me and my sister (who is mentally ill) a place to live. I didn't mean to sound like a daily mail reader there but i do think we need a government who will put the welfare of the citizens of this country before those of people who come here without being granted official asylum and have no intention of working.

Hahahah daily mail readers are hilarious sometimes but i have to agree with you.

Theres more housing options available for animals and immigrants than there is for the people who have actually lived here all there lives and continually paid there taxs and what not.

oh my god i sounded like a daily mail reader there aswell :L bad times

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I think we need to devise a plan to get the whole country high. :)

We shall have to use our wit and inginuity (sp?)

But it's for the greater good.

hahahaha Now that would make the country a better place fo'sure.

yes bud we shall lol

i once had an idea of how to hotbox my house via the heating system when i was stoned hahaha.

I know it would never ever work but it was a nice idea to dream about. pack the boiler itself with weed, turn the heating on, let the radiators fill up with smoke and just pull the plug of it when you wanted to fill the room and get instantly high.

What you think? decent dream or worthless nightmare hahaha

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Well with a few tweaks i believe you could be onto a winning idea.

I was thinking litterally smoke them out by hotboxing parliment. we would need a huge amount of weed/stoners though

Now thats what i thought, its something to imagine, would never happen no matter how much you wanted it though lol

Ahhh you could be right with that one, im 100% positive that it would be do able by all the proper tokers who strive for legalization and to get the name attached to them thanks to little idiots thinking there mad for taking a smoke dropped altogether.

And people that have no clue what cannabis is all about who just class all drug takers as junkies when the vast majority arnt in the slightest because they dont actually even touch smack/crack. just the stims and weed.

Most tokers i know would rather smoke weed than take a class A aswell but dont mind on the odd occasion in the right atmosphere dabbling in a bit of the stims but only now and again like festivals and shit.

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i think thats where we differ mate in that i only touch weed and nowadays very rarley if at all. I personally have never had the desire to do anything else.

I'm just content with the occasional smoke and double jack and coke if im out.

sorts me out nicley :)

Oh aye dont get me wrong, a smoke is always the best and always will be.

Ive never had any desire to do anything else either but i have. only to a level im happy with, which isint taking much at all, just a wee dab here nd there to keep the night going if i feel like im going to tire out or that.

Not very often at all though, like i said has to be with the right people and in the right, comfortable atmosphere. where you all look out for each other nd make sure no one goes over board on anything.

Sensebly(sp) is what im getting at. not just taking it to get f**ked up but actually respecting it for the nice effect you can recieve if you use them wisely and in small doeses.

But i would rather kill myself than go near or be around anyone or anything to do with herion or crack. Thats just a sickening thought to be honest.

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Ah i see where your comming from my brother. To be honest i think the only things wrong with the way i'd like to live my life is

1. Weed is currently illegal

2. The tea supply might not be able to cope

3. Too much risk of sexual infections

If these issuses were resolved we would be onto a win of epic proportions.

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I expect you fellas are gonna hate me 'cause I live in Holland but ( no longer ) smoke weed ! Decriminalisation seems to be very effective and lucrative for the Government .

And for cryin' out loud : Stop visiting Amsterdam ! Weed is available throughout most Dutch cities and at a cheaper price , too . Amsterdam knows it attracts tourists , so overcharges for EVERYTHING , added to the fact that it's overcrowded , not at all representative of Dutch culture and a haven for pickpockets / pimps / hustlers / creepy motherf**kers . Select any other major city and be pleasantly surprised at a truly chilled out experience , all my U.K mates have learned to reject the 'Dam and hang out in my charming city ( Leiden . )

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I expect you fellas are gonna hate me 'cause I live in Holland but ( no longer ) smoke weed ! Decriminalisation seems to be very effective and lucrative for the Government .

Personally i don't think the legalities of it should effect people's decision, just the health/general productiveness issues. But obviously some people are blind to anything but the law and unable to think for themselves :P

Edited by Max Quinn
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What the Hell are y'all doing here at this ungodly hour ? I'm at work on my 7th consecutive nightshift lookin' forward to 4 days off ( and hopefully good riding weather . )

I am watching Resident Evil, goodtimes! And I have no uni till Monday and loads of beer, so no need to get up

Gonna try and have a sesh 2morra.

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