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Do Handle Bars Ever Tend To Snap?

jsy trials matt

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running alloy bars is always a risk, i dont think so much in trials but in dirt and park riding no one really trusts alloy bars with rigids as alloy just snaps whereas steel bends, As far as i know its recomended to replace alloy bars every now and then to avoid snappage, most modern bars will be fine, just keep an eye out for cracks etc.

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Just avoid Titec stuff... I've had brand new bars from them snap within 6 months and just about everyone I know who's run titec stuff has had failures. Also they broke as I was pulling up on the bars rather than on a landing strangely. The Azonic doublewall bars I got after that and the DMR aluminium wingbars after that both ran for well over a year before I got nervous and replaced them. 2 years is as long as I'd trust handlebars on a trials bike...

I had an Amoeba stem snap on me before too - never had issues with the brand X cnc jobbie I've been using since (I replace this at least every 2 years too)...

I'm not that light or smooth though, so I tend to be an early warning for other people to replace their stuff before it breaks...

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wow...errr...hate to break it to you but i was taking the michael there..

if you really do ride wonky i recommend you visit your GP in the near future to discuss possible posture correction therapies available to you.

good luck (Y)

What the..............bit of a massive jump between putting slightly more weight on one side of the handle bar to needing 'correction therapies', besides either just crap bars (as backed up by David20) of there was a factory error in those specific ones.


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