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Everyone is stood here telling me to write my topics in good english which I am.

How has everyone else been validated in 1 or 2 days. :angry:

re-read what you just said..

no-ones stood here, we're sat at computers :P

people who get validated in a couple of days usually write REALLY good answers.

by good answers i mean explaining fully, not leaving people guessing what you mean and use good english skills

its not how much you post, its the quality of your posts

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You made 3 posts today, all in this thread. Before that, you made 2 posts on the 2nd December. And then before that, you made 2 posts on the 27th November. That means, in the last two weeks (excluding this thread), you've made 4 posts. Bearing in mind how many hundreds of posts are made a day of TF, if you're only working on an average of 8 posts a month, it's pretty unlikely you'll be spotted quickly. I'm not saying go out and make as many posts as you can, but in the posts I saw from you on your profile, they weren't laid out particularly well, most of them seemed to be generally chatty ones, and they just didn't really stand out to me as making me think I should validate you based on having seen one of them.

One of the posts on the 2nd was:

There looking well good. Keep up the good work ;)

Which although isn't a shit post, it's again not something that'd make me think "Validate him". Prior to that, the majority of posts were in threads relating to Skegness rides, which to be honest mean that I'm unlikely to see them 'cos it's not the sort of thread I'd read. Knowing that most of the other mods here don't live in Skegness too, it's pretty unlikely they'd spot them. Yeah yeah, that's a shitty deal and all that, but I'm doing a degree and I'm super busy with that, I think at least 2 other mods are either doing or have just finished degree courses, and the others work full time. That means a lot of busy people, and looking through threads about rides in places none of us live near isn't quite up there with "Going to uni" in terms of priority.

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sorry mate dont mean to be a k**b but ive been on here for almost a year! ive wanted to sell and buy at least 20 items most posibley more!

i havent complained because i no that its not going to help!

read the guidelines...

look at all the new members, see how long people have been on here for ul find its mostly more than a hour/day/week/month/year!

but besides this good luck on getting validated


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The only reason i gt this forum was so i could sell and buy trials partsvand organize rides and meet people.

I can guess what you mean when you say that but you should really check it makes sense first before you post. :)

EDIT: Oh and sponge rob your posts do look pretty good to me though mate just keep it up :)

Edited by Ash-Trials
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Try checking your posts before you post them as its got alot of mistakes in it, I got validated in 2 days.

i got validated in one day

i did it by writing a good topic in full and proper english


Rub it in why dont you! lol

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I've been a pre-member on this here forum for 2 months now and i'm still not validated.

I've followed the rules and stuff, so why havn't i been validated.?

My friends have been on here foer only about a week and there they're all validated.


I felt the same way as you did at first - I wanted to buy and sell items on the forum. I thought it was a silly idea at first, but now i realise there is a reason for pre-members - to try and sort out the riff raff. Try to accept its a fact and there is nothing you can do about it.

Just write a few useful posts and you will get validated in no time at all. It's not a big deal at all!

Good luck!!

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