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Old News, But Still.... Wtf.


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in fairness the muslim faith is very imposing on all who dont abide by it in general muslim countries. My grandad used to manage a big scaffolding company back in the 80's ion Saudi arabia, GKN and he had to stop work how ever many times a day to worship/pretend to worship their god.

I'd say that was quite racist

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So what you're saying is that your 'scummy white' grandad went over to saudi arabia, even though he wasnt born there and stole 'all' their jobs?

and it's ok for us to do it, why do you bang on about foreigners coming into here and essentially doing the same?

Edited by feest
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Such a well reasoned, insightful post. Well done. You obviously read the whole post, thought, and came up with a response, and you didn't just read the first line of the post and thought that's what I was having a go at.

After all, that's the sort of thing a Daily Mail reader would do.

Lol never known someone to get so shitty about what newspaper people read. Ill stick to my conservative view point on life

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Did you know, that if it wasn't for immigrants, our population would be falling, because we as natives to this country don't have enough children?

I can picture it now, if they weren't there:

"f**k, why can't we have state pension?"

"because there's not enough young people to provide it for you."

"well, wtf, sort it out."

"actually, it's your fault, you didn't have enough children, and there's too many old people..."


It's actually true, we did it in geography at a-level. Our population is dying and we need immigrants to keep it going.

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So what you're saying is that your 'scummy white' grandad went over to saudi arabia, even though he wasnt born there and stole 'all' their jobs?

and it's ok for us to do it, why do you bang on about foreigners coming into here and essentially doing the same?

It wasnt me that quoted cummy you f**king moron, and when did i say my grandad was even white?

i was reffering to one job and on the basis of one caucasion going to saudi rather than 100s of thousands coming over here half of which i assume dont have jobs.

he was offered the job on the basis he was the best at it no one in that country could even do it he had the confidence and the skills and was quickly moved from the bottom to the top because of it, i assume youve mis quoted me but if you called my grandad f**king scummy in real life id literally put you in hospital, you moron regardless of who you are

was going to edit that then so i didnt sound like a yob but its the truth and id expect any self respecting person to do the same

Edited by Larry David
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When in History have people accepted other races ? im not agreeing with it but its only really in the last 60 years? things have been changing and in relation to the 1000's of years people have been on the earth it really is a smalla mount of time to adapt, people will learn to become more tolerant but i think society expects too much too quickly.

People are often set in their ways considering every elderly person these days is pretty much a racist and often a good reason behind it in their eyes.

it really is challenging voicing an opinion over a keyboard.

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So what you're saying is that your 'scummy white' grandad went over to saudi arabia, even though he wasnt born there and stole 'all' their jobs?

The guy went there to work, and tried to fit in with their everyday life, he didn't go and demand a church and that everyone worshipped his god, THAT's the difference

"f**k, why can't we have state pension?"

"because there's not enough young people to provide it for you."

"well, wtf, sort it out."

"actually, it's your fault, you didn't have enough children, and there's too many old people..."


Surely it's be more like

"f**k, why can't we have state pension?"

"because the government have spent it all on housing teenage mothers and people too lazy to work"

"well, wtf, sort it out."

"actually, it's your fault, you never had an issue with it"


This is why I can't stay in the country, I'm jumping ship asap

I saw some polish bloke eying up a like 13 year old girl today!

So? I do that :lol: look but don't touch :mellow:

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So? I do that :lol: look but don't touch :mellow:

Your joking right? My niece is 13, if I saw anyone eyeing her up they'd get a smack, it's just not on.

What age do you stop eyeing up kids? 25? 30? 40? What happens when your drunk an you see a vulnerable 13 year old? Does the look but don't touch rule still come into play?

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Your 22! You need help! :angry:

I'll keep quiet then :-

First up - on topic (whether the Sun thing is true or not) : legislation put in place just in case someone might get upset is a f**king stupid idea (winterval :rolleyes:).

Second - Immigrants and concessions to their way of life : I figure that if you can't deal with the way the majority of people live in your chosen country then you ought to bugger off somewhere you can.

That's not saying I think the brown fellas should go back home, it's saying that if you don't like the way everybody else behaves you're in the wrong place.

To further illustrate my point... I left Greece because I didn't like the corruption and beaurocracy in anything government related, I didn't stay there and whine and I didn't expect them to change the system for my benefit, I came back here where things like that are a lot less prevalent.

Edited by poopipe
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Paranoia? I saw him do it! :huh:

Unless he was licking his lips or had his cock out, then there's more than a few explanations... either that or he is a paedo, but what makes him stand-out? How many dirty english men do you see eyeing up kids? What makes this one note-worthy, is it because he's foreign and English girls are for English paedos?

But I guess the real question here is: How fit was she? ;)

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