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Why Won't Paint Stay On My Frame?


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I have a Zona Zip frame, and both times I've sprayed it, the paint just chips off so easily.

First time I did it all properly; stripped the paint, primered it, then used up 2 cans for the paint, then lots of lacquer, and it still chipped.

Then the second time I used white Hammerite, and that just chipped off. <_<

Was thinking of spraying it again, but if it's just going to chip off again then I won't bother...

Why won't the paint stay on? :(

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I have a Zona Zip frame, and both times I've sprayed it, the paint just chips off so easily.

First time I did it all properly; stripped the paint, primered it, then used up 2 cans for the paint, then lots of lacquer, and it still chipped.

Then the second time I used white Hammerite, and that just chipped off. <_<

Was thinking of spraying it again, but if it's just going to chip off again then I won't bother...

Why won't the paint stay on? :(

Did you degrease the frame before primering it?

Cheaper to get it powdercoated, should cost more than 10-15 quid if you ask nicely :)

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80% of good paintwork is all in the preperation.

Strip the old paint off, Clean the frame THOROUGHLY with warm water and soap, or a pressure washer if you have access

sand the frame down and clean again

Key the frame with a good quality sandpaper, again clean after

Use a good primer, this will give a good base for the paint

Leave the primer to dry somehwere warm, preferably airing cupboard or atleast indoors. Paint doesnt like to dry well in the cold.

Apply paint, take your time, let it dry for a while between coats, again somewhere warm

After the last coat let it dry in the warmest place you can find, for at leat 24 hours. let the paint harden nicely

If you going to laquer, stick a couple coats on, again leave to dry in nice warm are for another 24 hours

Then after all that hard work, build your bike up, go ride and scratch it all back off.

Alternitivley, have the frame powercoated. Take alot less time, costs less, less effot, more resistant to scatche.

I had my forks powdercoated for £10. All I had tyo do was strip them 1st. I left them there in the afternoon and picked them up next day.

Just look in the yellows for a place and ask nicley

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Yeah, well the first I sprayed it (Blue...) I spent 3 nights doing it. One for primer, left it inside to dry, another for the proper coats, left inside to dry, then another night of lacquer, left inside to dry.

My mate who always sprays his BMX just grabs a can and blasts over the frame/whetever else he's spraying, and his always stays on for ages, just usual scratches.

You could rub your fingernail on mine and the paint would chip off.

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Yeah, well the first I sprayed it (Blue...) I spent 3 nights doing it. One for primer, left it inside to dry, another for the proper coats, left inside to dry, then another night of lacquer, left inside to dry.

My mate who always sprays his BMX just grabs a can and blasts over the frame/whetever else he's spraying, and his always stays on for ages, just usual scratches.

You could rub your fingernail on mine and the paint would chip off.

I bet your mates were spraying over existing powdercoat, this will give a better surface for the paint to adhere to. For a trials frame I wouldnt do anything other than powdercoat :)

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If you're doing it yourself, then you really need to use an etch primer if the frame is aluminium, as has been said above. Also, don't bother with the lacquer, it's a waste of time - get some 1600 grade wet and dry, flatten the top coat back (but only when it's really hard) and give it a good polish.

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Nah he wasn't, because he stripped the frame down and had it silver for a while, then he covered it in paint...

Right, so next time I want my bike all colourful, i'll just get it powdercoated?

Actually, my mate works in the spray part of the local Ford garage, and he sprayed his downhill bike, and ended up with a really nice job. He used etch primer too...

Might just give him some money to spray it for me.. :P

Cheers for all the help!

Edited by Dan6061
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