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My Injury

danny l

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A few years ago my mum was chasing me round the house, i cant remeber why, but i tripped over something on the floor smacked my face of a table and fractured my cheek bone :(

when i was in year two i fractured growth plates in my right ankle (both of them on each side) in 2 places on each side, i chipped a little part of my right side tooth playing rugby (the dentist put something in to make it grow back),

got studded in bollocks playing rugby,

five 6 stone boys fell on my head when i was playing rugby

got by a rugby ball in the face by some one kicking a ball

dented my left and right knee capes when i fell of my bmx and hit a curb

fell over and cracked my head 2 inches long

and im only 11

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Is it me or is hocky really dangerous? My friend broke his ankle playing last week, ball got smacked at his foot.. Funny thing was, he carried on playing. Sounds painful, did it damage any of your teeth? Good luck if it did, after my front tooth was chipped badly in rugby i've been to the dentist too many times :(.

Yeh no one believes it but it is really dangerous. Its because the balls aren’t soft and you don’t really where any padding. It’s a really fast game to

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I once wound a lass up so much she smacked me with hockey stick... try it ! (Y)

hahah who was it??

i was born with one kidney and when i was 3 it started packing up. Doctors got it sorted

broke my arm 5 times

cracked and broke 7 ribs

broke all my fingers (once hitting leacock (Y) )

broke my ankle

cracked my head open 7 times

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Hi guys,

Not to sure if this counts but i got hit found the head with a hammer by a guy while sticking up for my friend

11 inch scar and three months in hospital(anyone who by any chance works in or visits addenbrooks hospital in cambridge hospital

can you tell the staff on ward d2 i say a very big thank you)


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If you had to where a eye patch you would seriously look like a pirate haha.

Teachers still shocked at school?

Bet people are saying you ok and im soooo sorry haha.


Edited by oakland
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If you had to wer a eye patch you would seriosly look like a pirot haha.

Teachers still shocked at school?

Bet people are saying you ok and im soooo sorry haha.


Buzzz Buzzz, this poor typing makes me really upset. Firstly its WEAR not "wer" and you were close but not quite with SERIOUSLY. But oh my days, 70 years old and I've never seen such a poor way of spelling a word... unless of course you meant that you look like a small town on the east side of Serbia, although i can't see the resemblance.

I think it'd be too pedantic to correct your misspelling of o.k. and I'm, but now they're highlighted I'm sure you won't make the same mistake again. I'll be watching just in case mind you.

Your friendly neighborhood spelling bee.

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Buzzz Buzzz, this poor typing makes me really upset. Firstly its WEAR not "wer" and you were close but not quite with SERIOUSLY. But oh my days, 70 years old and I've never seen such a poor way of spelling a word... unless of course you meant that you look like a small town on the east side of Serbia, although i can't see the resemblance.

I think it'd be too pedantic to correct your misspelling of o.k. and I'm, but now they're highlighted I'm sure you won't make the same mistake again. I'll be watching just in case mind you.

Your friendly neighborhood spelling bee.

I just realised that my laptop is screwed and the keyboard is broke so its hard to type.

I shall get a new laptop soon ill get that edited


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hhhaaa I was going to tell everyone different things and see how long it took them to realise I was lying

Also today I got asked by a teacher why I hadn’t done my homework. I was going to act well stupid and say I had had part of my brain removed and couldn’t think properly. Would have been well funny, she was a French teacher so would have believed it


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