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My name is Sergi and I'm 29 years old. I was born in Barcelona, Spain

My actual bike it's a Yaabaa 1499

I Just create a new topic with pics of my Yaabaa.


Edited by 315r
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My name is Bradley Tomlinson, I live In a small town called Thornaby near Middlesbrough, Im 14 years old and I ride a GT Tempest 3.0 but I am seekin out a nice onza Tpro to get basics of trials and hopefully work my way up to the level of the pro's.

Well thats all, thanks.

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Bonjour! evey1.

Im Brad im 17 and I dont have a trials bike but am looking to get one I do currently own a hard tail mountian bike though.

I also suck at spelling lol.

I live in the North East

I <3 music along with other stuff

Meh tired and cant think of anything else to say :)

Bonjour! evey1.

Im Brad im 17 and I dont have a trials bike but am looking to get one I do currently own a hard tail mountian bike though.

I also suck at spelling lol.

I live in the North East

I <3 music along with other stuff

Meh tired and cant think of anything else to say :)

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Hi all.

My names Alexis, and I'm 16.

Well I've been doing trials biking for one day now ;).

I don't own a trials bike yet and am getting one soon, but currently do it on a moutain bike.

I live in London near Bromley, so would begood to meet local people.

I really would like to get good skills in street trials.

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hi... my names josh i'm from manchester, i'm not currently riding trials but it really appeals to me i'm only 16 and would apreciate any advice on what to do when finding a cheap bike, preferably brand new, but at th moment i cant really concentrate on this because school work has currently taken over to got towards my exams...

hey colin im not from oxford but i AM in the same boat as you with xc mtb im not very experienced with trials either... what uridin atm???

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Hey I'm Bradley, I'm new to the Trials world and I ride a GT Tempest 3.0.

I've been doing Dirt Jumping for about 5 months and I love it, but I'm getting into Trials. I ride round Thornaby Woods as that is where I live. I tend to go round Stockton area to ride my bike.

My other Hobbies are;

Golf, Fishing, Ice skating, Cricket and loads of other things.

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hi i am shane i'm 20 and live in southampton starting trials up again after 2.5 years of not riding used to own a 05-06 pitbull cant remember lol if your in southampton give me a buzz i would like to come out to watch untill i finish building my bike many thanks shane

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Hey, I'm Tom, and I've started what will hopefully turn into trials riding with Lexism. I punctured the tire on the first time out, but tried it on his and another bike, and it was good fun.

I would also like to meet any riders in or around Orpington. It would obviously be of significant value to ride with more experienced people.

I now need a new bike as I have pretty much done everything possible to the one I've been using. Was fun...but it's gone now :P

I've also done some unicycle trials riding, which is a bit embarrassing as I'm the only person I know with a unicycle, but it's still good for balance. Amazing rather :P

But yeah, that's me, just started and looking for tips on techniques and getting a new bike at the mo too :P ta for now :)

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Hi everyone i'm Jack from Manchester and I'm new to all this trials stuff. To be honest I'd currently fall into the 'idiot on a fixie' category but since i keep breaking bits of my bike jumping up and down stuff I guess the next step is to look into trials. Had a play with a friends bike a while ago and it seems a huge amount of fun!

I warn you now i'l be pestering the forums finding out how to build up a nice 24" without breaking the bank. Are inspired fourplay frames really as good as everyone makes out? Etc etc..

Anyway, thats all for now


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Hey I'm Ant, I'm 19 and I'm currently at uni in Birmingham, which is fun. Very new too trials and I kinda suck, but i've got nothing better to do in my summer so hopefully will improve. more used to going down stupid hills on my old bikes or ones I found at the dump. I did also have a road bike for a while but that had to be sold :( thats about it really. cheers.x

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hi there, im luke, i currently rise an identiti dr jekyll but have recently gotten more nto the trials and street disciplines of riding so im hoping to get an inspired foreplay or something like that. erm my other hobbies include joinery, a bit of mechanics and generally having a laugh

cheers guys, happy to be here :)

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Hey I'm Ant, I'm 19 and I'm currently at uni in Birmingham, which is fun. Very new too trials and I kinda suck, but i've got nothing better to do in my summer so hopefully will improve. more used to going down stupid hills on my old bikes or ones I found at the dump. I did also have a road bike for a while but that had to be sold :( thats about it really. cheers.x

Birmingham? Legenddd!!! Wheree about doood?

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hi peeps I'm Alf trials newbie just jioned forum been riding my saracen amplituted since this time last year, looking to buy a proper trials bike soon.

I ride about my hometown of Colchester in Essex.

other hobbie include drawing,guitar making,music and cooking;)...

don't know anyone els in Essex who does trials would be cool to meet some people when I start riding properly.

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hi im reyhan or rey what ever :D

Um i started about a moth ago, lol but not got going properly because i have my gcses:( right now and im like bein constantly revising lol. (mum)

I bought a team saracen team mad 2003 i think frame off ebay in a 26 inch and built it up in a day but slowly improving it:D. I have some old 26 inch wheels, hs33 rears and hyes nine on the front with some 2005 drop off forks yes I no they are wrong but I love them and i run a 22-16 lol and I do use it to get around it can be interesting lol.

Thats all i can think of right now lol anyway im rey and im new?

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hi im danny im 22 years old. Just about every one i ride with is on hear soo thourght its time two joine the group, I bin rideing trials for about 6 years and still loveing it, i ride a 26inc meta at this moment in time and also the makeing ov my latest video, hopeing two be accepted in this comunity that is going on and be able two help on any topic that i can. danny

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