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Luckiest Man (or Woman) In The World


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So..... You've just found your four leaf clover and your lucks in. Why not try it out on the lottery........ JACKPOT!! Twenty million sqillion quid on the Euro-lottery.

After getting out of bed and kissing your two lesbien lovers goodbye for the day, you step out of you new pad and try to decide which car to take out. The Gallardo? The TVR? or the GT40? (or the pink Mini soft top - not to miss out the woman or the raging)

Now lets go spend some readies

Simple choice? - What bike would you get with an endless amount of cash??

Go on!! Spend it!! You're above the law!!

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Worryingly the bike I have now is my cost no object ultimate machine... The option to buy every new bike that comes out to see if it's better would be good though - you can never have too many bikes :).

With craploads of cash I'd buy a large warehouse and build trials obstacles in it (Or pay people to...), so when it rains for several months continuously I'll still have somewhere to ride. Quitting my job to give more cycling time would also make sense - though my current job allows me to disappear during work hours if the weather's looking good anyway... Emigrating somewhere warmer and drier would be better again of course :).

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I'd get a new tyre for my own bike and like said above, build a massive indoor building, with heating, good music and loads to ride on. Seeing as i'd have lots of money it'd be free entry for whoever wants to ride there, and thered be a food/drink bar too, with everything half the usual price :D

On second thoughts i might get some new disc brake pads and a new rotor.

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Buy an Audi R8 Bugatti Veyron Audi R8 AND a Bugatti Veyron, go and look at bikes, probably choose an Adamant or GU, I'd have a mod AND a stock, take them home in a Toyota Hilux, to a huge warehouse i just bought, chock-full of good stuff to ride, as well as huge estate outside where I can ride my brand new yamaha XTR, which I'd use to get between my new house and warehouse.



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Would build a huge glass dome over a small wood and scatter lots of big rocks inside.

That and some heating + good audio system would be heaven for me.

As for the bikes, I guess I'd get a Hydroxx, Boxx, Vinco, Coust V2, Carbon... basically everything that Koxx makes.

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I think most of the replies are gonna involve indoor trials areas, lol!

Mine involves a trials warehouse, a new koxx pro-model, my own track and a few trackcars to buzz around in.

Oh... and who says having lots of money would make you the luckiest guy in the world? Can think of lots of things that would make me happier!

Edited by Peperami
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reeet.... lets think firstly im into my DH so i'd buy some mountain and a zillion diggers in scotland

somewhere and have a cabin up there that i could just drop in to the woods in a morning. As for trials

i'd proberly go try the most stupid frames drill them out to shit ride them like bonkers for a day and

try another the next day ohhh yeahh and i'd proberly think about raffles ect like the one tarty did but

i'd do it on the regular like every week or so.

Cheers and good topic

Rick x

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Would build a huge glass dome over a small wood and scatter lots of big rocks inside.

That and some heating + good audio system would be heaven for me.

As for the bikes, I guess I'd get a Hydroxx, Boxx, Vinco, Coust V2, Carbon... basically everything that Koxx makes.

LOL... I think if there was a huge glass dome over some thing, you wouldn't really need to heat it. It's be pretty warm inside - some would say, it'd be like a green house in there.

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i would buy birmingham city centre (as i would get shot if i went into the suburbs )and just ride there all day without being moved on ^_^ bike wise ,hmm a nicelu speced inspired and kot would do me nicely ,plus maybe a 4x bike for the 4x coarse i would build in victoria square.


Edited by banbury trials
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I think most of the replies are gonna involve indoor trials areas, lol!

Mine involves a trials warehouse, a new koxx pro-model, my own track and a few trackcars to buzz around in.

Oh... and who says having lots of money would make you the luckiest guy in the world? Can think of lots of things that would make me happier!

Yeah me too. I've just got out of bed with my new lesbian lovers.... money's not everything

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I would buy all the bikes and specs you can get, buy i party house in every riding spot. Visit Tarty all the time. Buy a private plane to take every rider any where around the world to ride. Produce my own trials brand :P

I like the way you think

I'll have a one way ticket to spain 1st class and any spaire good not great spec'd mod :)

EDIT:but only if it has parts from your own trials brands. :P

Edited by !laycky!
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with that amount of cash i would establish my own brand :thumbsup: build a indor-outdor facility complete with rooms fort the riders who whant to come for a ride ,some crazy audio and a fridge fool of alchool all the time

almost forgot... a bitc in every room....so you don't ride with yours balls full

Edited by sapu
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Starting a new brand sounds like to much work, id pay some to do it for me and name it DA bikes. Build up the ultimate jump and trials bike, get myslef a car for every occasion.Modify my coiler like it pretty much as it is but would love a air shock. by meslf a house and with the money left put into accounts and give the rest away!

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