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What New Frame


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Rite im after a new/second hand (new to me) frame and have seen a couple on here for sale. One is a Zona Zenith and the other is an MBK T1000, now hat i need you guys help with is that because ive been out of trials for a bit i dont know wether they are any good etc. So could I have your advice please.


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I'm assuming that this thread is purely to find out about the two different frames, as you've no doubt read all the rules and intend on sticking to them...

The MBK is a more expensive frame, with a longer wheelbase and higher bottom bracket

Off the top of my head, I think the MBK is also a bit lighter (I had a Zenith which was around 2.1kg, so I'd imagine the MBK would be 100-200g less)

Both are good frames, with BB rises relatively similarly proportioned to their lengths, so the more suitable of the two for you will depend on your size and riding style

If you're bigger, or more comp-style oriented, then I'd say the MBK sounds more up your street

Smaller/little more streety stuff might be a little easier on the Zenith

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If the MBK you saw was Ben Leacocks then id buy it without hesitation. Ride really well and looks top aswell. Havnet had much experiance with Zeniths but they look really strong sturdy frames. As its said above the MBK is more exepensive but its lighter, for me that would outway the cost really

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I'd say the feel of an MBK T1000 is suited to a pretty tall person, with long arms. I'm 6ft 2, and felt uncomfortable when I rode one belonging to a certain MBK factory rider for the first time the other day.

The Zenith however, has more all round 'nice' geometry. Isn't too long, isn't too short etc. And for the money (I'm guessing the Zenith is slightly cheaper?) the zenith would be my preference.

I've never owned either, but have ridden both.

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