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Which Frame ?


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Ive been riding for about a month and half now i like the whole trials thing,

at the moment though i have a onza t-bird 04 to throw about , but im looking to upgraded the frame

I,m just cant decide which 1 to get

Likeing the czar 07 and the adamant A3 have around 250 -300 to spend

Any 1 have any sugestions?


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I think what you should really figer is the geo of the frame. Don't just choose frame by name and price. If you buy a frame that doesn't fit you, it will be sh**ty deal. Trust me! Already experienced that. :ermm:

Right mate cheers

BUT, how would i go about doing so :unsure: ?

I,m 6ft and about 13st so what would i be looking at ?

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I guess it depends on your riding style first of all. Since I am not a smooth natural/comps style rider so short wheelbase didn't work for me. I'm about 6ft also. Plus you have to decide which bb rise is better for you. Some people like high rise bb, some lower rise. So you should try friends bikes if you have a possibility. Choosing everything correctly is important. When you choose frame you add fork which might change geo of the bike, slighty but stil change the feeling (already experienced that). And than, after you got your frame and fork very important is stem. If something i wrote is illegible or not understandable just say.

P.S. I'm not from UK so feet and inches are not the measurements I'm used to. :)

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Since you're about 6 foot, a long frame'd probably be your best bet - you'll have enough room to move around on the bike without feeling cramped. Geometry wise, they're essentially the same frame (they're both designed and produced by a chinese company owned by a guy called Deng and if you check the pictures of them you'll be able to see they follow the same template). Looking at the quoted geos on Tarty, theres only a 5mm difference in length between the two frames, and only 5mm difference in bb rise depending on which length you choose. Head angle is roughly the same, give or take half a degree as well. From previous experiance, I wouldn't imagine these differences would have a huge impact on your riding. Both are known to ride well and are fairly popular frames, so it really comes down to which one you like the look of I suppose.

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Since you're about 6 foot, a long frame'd probably be your best bet

It's a myth, i swear. Until you actually smack your legs on the bars every time you hop then the frame is fine. Smaller frames move easier (in some ways, blah blah, etc) because they're smaller. If it's a long frame and your 7' tall, it still won't ride like a short frame.

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