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Best Brake Pads

Mr Bob

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HI Just thought I would ask what brake pads you lot ride as i have the bog standard magura's on the back. I've heard koxx bloxx are good. What pads would you recommend for an average english day. ^_^

Heatsink would any one recommend them could do with a new set of pads.

Edited by rock hopper
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I world recomend koxx bloxx in brown the work well in wet and dry. I have tried zoo pads they are rubish in the wet so no good for a typical english day. I have also had Adamant rock pads they work ok in both dry and wet but are not as good as koxx bloxx.

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I run Koxx Bloxx browns on the back, I've had them like two years and they still have loads of material left. I run them on a grind and they work great, they just seem to make grinds fade abit faster than other pads I've used...but have lasted far longer than any I've used. They also seem to work what ever the weather, so in my opinion they are a good investment.

Koxx browns (Y) (If you can get hold of any nowdays)

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HI Just thought I would ask what brake pads you lot ride as i have the bog standard magura's on the back. I've heard koxx bloxx are good. What pads would you recommend for an average english day. ^_^

Heatsink would any one recommend them could do with a new set of pads.

If you have grinded rims then there are some good heatsink pads, i have a set of the blue heatsink pads on my 24/7 holroyd which has grinded rims and the braking power is brilliant.

If you have smooth rims, i can't really say because im still running the same magura black pads on my echo lite.


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My rim used to have a grind but it is basically smooth now theres still slight roughness, anyway i have rock greens on it and they work brilliantly in wet and dry !! They are defianatley the best pads i have ever used !! But also heatsink are very well recomended by loads of people, but personally i have never used them.

Adam (Y)

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