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Sickest Vid Youl Ever See?

Damon W

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forget that bmx vid i posted up before, this takes the piss, like sumthing of a game!

warning: will make you feal absolutly rubbish about your own riding :ermm:

personal favorite 3:47 bunyhop gap to nosebonk to drop! :blink:


3,47 is filmed on barcelona :) cesar and dani did that gap http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwp9liWuSvk

Edited by LiTe
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its sponsored by nike. Is their any major company that sponsors trials like macdonalds or something? I actually don't know. But anyways if you have 4 guys who are your friends filming vs like 20 professionals paid by nike to film u all day the vid will probably turn out better in terms of camera work and stuff. Also if someone is being paid to film you they will have more patience and put more effort into things than your friends. Garrett remolds is like the scotty cranmer of street riding. hes probably the best rider but everyone would rather watch like chase dehart or davey watson cause they make riding look more fun. bmx vids are filmed in around a year, they take the best clips of everything in that time span. A video from danny mac is filmed in 2 hours. I think if he made a full length vid it would be way better than that. look how many video parts the average bmxer has its like 2 or 3. Look how many the averge trials guys have. Its like 16-20. Trials vids are good I used to only watch bmx vids when i rode trials. Now i ride bmxish and all i watch is trials vids. Its interesting to see the different style.

As for not wearing a helmet has any bmxer (street rider) ever hurt their head? The only ones I can think of are jimmy levan and he was skateboarding and mike aitken who was dirt jumping. either bmxers are really lucky or just the guys who die aren't pro so u never hear about it. People inductively reason... logically it makes sense to wear one but if no one ever gets hurt why bother? I bet if even a single pro broke his skull and had to sit in a wheelchair cause they smashed their head 360ing a stairset everybody in the universe would wear one. All bmxers wear helmets when park riding.

Edited by sayshell
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loads of bmxers slam all the time.

Head injuries are actually not that unusual, mostly from flipping out of big 180 fakies etc when they are chucked backwards and whiplash their head to the floor. Its a pretty nasty accident. but most riders are so confident in their abilities to land something they don't bother, much like skaters

I've always found the speed and impacts in bmx make the helmet move around a lot. the only helmets which provide enough protection (and look alright) are pisspot style and they have shit ventilation and aren't very comfy so most riders don't bother.

I'm not promoting the lack of helmets just thats my take on the situation.

if bmx style helmets were comfier and better ventilated they mite be more popular but i doubt it.

The trend in bmx is not to wear one, unlike trials where the majority of us do wear one, but how many times do trials riders hit their head? i never have. (touch wood)

Edited by shamus
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Yeah but name one. Like one that didn't fully recover. Ive never heard of any pro dieing or being in a vegetable state.

Stephen Murray. Attempted a double backflip on dirt at the dew tour. Paralyzed from the neck down. Given it wasn't because he wasn't wearing a helmet but he is not able to ride anymore, or walk etc.

Stephen Murray Wiki Page

Stephen Murray Response after Crash

To be honest it's a sport where injuries are going to happen and it just depends on that person's luck. Wearing a helmet is sensible i think (I don't wear one at the moment because i don't ride that big) but doesn't nesacerily prevent injury.

It's all about pushing yourself in BMX these day and seeing if you have more balls/talent than the other riders.

Bloody good videos, i love garret reynolds, Brighton ain't ready is amazing as well. Its on demonoid.com if anyone is interested.

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Can't deny it was a good video. I can agree with Sam on it though (slightly). He's got skill with his bars and balance but it's no more skill that numerous other 'new street' riders or any real Pro. He did go big and not by half either. Double truck down the big Barca 4?

As for the helmet thing. Bmxers/ skaters role, trials riders slam. (in most cases)

Maybe you lot should visit bmx-forum from time to time? Impressive sections aren't hard to come by and i don't even watch new stuff that much any more. The last video i did watch that was relatively new was that front flip down some stairs.

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