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Asymmetric Tires?!


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i have an odd and irritating problem. my both tires seem to be laterally asymmetric.

take a look at these photos to illustrate.



the front is pretty obvious: left side is just lower than the right ("curves" more). it may look as if it's due to photographing angle, but i assure you it's the same in reality. this i can almost cope with (although i have a weird feeling it causes bike to handle in a weird way, sort of pulling to the left).

the rear is a bigger problem because of the very tiny tire clearance. the shot is at a slight angle, but i illustrated with arrows the clearance in reality. it has the same kind of this weird asymmetry. because of it, it scrapes the frame and makes sounds and due to friction. it stops the wheel in one revolutions as well.

also, the clearance changes as the wheel turns, as if the tire is not centered (the rim is centered).

i can ride but it's grating my nerves in a fine dust. it's seems to be getting worse as the time passes, but the rear wheel is only a few rides old so i'll have to get back to you on that.

i need to make clear that:

1) both rims are perfectly centered (done one week ago), rear rim has brand new spokes and hub

2) both inner tubes are new and have not been patched

3) both tires are brand new

front tire is continental vertical pro 2.3" (on Alex TD17), rear tire is continental mountain king 2.4" (on TryAll drilled 47mm).

is it a continental thing? can anyone shed some light on this, what to do? it's driving me crazy!


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I have the same problem with my front tire, it's curved more one one side and I can't figure out how to correct it :S

Oh and it's the same tire too, I also ride Continental Vertical 2,3"...

Edited by staphan
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It's pretty impossible to make a perfectly shape tyre. Seeing as they're made in sections, then bonded together... or something.

My tyres wobble about a lot, but my rims don't. I'm sure everyone's do too! Nothing to worry about really.

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It's pretty impossible to make a perfectly shape tyre.

My tyres wobble about a lot, but my rims don't. I'm sure everyone's do too! Nothing to worry about really.

i understand that, but during years i've had a lot of tires, different rims etc., but never anything like this. and then 2 tires at the same time! i'm not talking about small imperfections, this is ridiculous.

worst of all, sound rear wheel makes when turning is awful. sounds like bike is coming apart. very hard to concentrate on trials with a tire like that.

i'd buy a new tire if i was sure it would fix the problem.

is it just that continental's quality control is going down the drain?

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ok, i talked with riders in my area and it seems that it's a bad continental batch, i'm not the only one having this problem. it seems the shop where we bought them deliberately ordered products with errors. what a**holes.

thanks everyone, i guess i'm getting new tires after all.

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All tyres wave around a bit, as long as it doesn't rub the frame it'll be fine.

Even then it'll be fine, my tyre is slowly eating through the frame because when I pedal hard, it flexes the rame over and rubs the tyre.

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Have the tyres been put on another (not obviously but wider) rim?..if so, they can be a bit stretched and the right side is trying to come out :unsure:

and do you squeeze the tires to form them before pumping..it may help :)

Edited by naset000kzk
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muel> it's rubbing the frame quite a bit once per wheel revolution. for a quick fix, until i get a new tire, i'll just cut off few protruding edges off the tire.

naset> it's new tires on two very different rims (front is disc rim, narrow, rear is koxx ultrawide (47mm)). it tried to form them before inflating, while inflated and while hyper-inflated and nothing helped.

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