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The Most Embarising Bail You Have Done


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So what is the most embarising thing you have done. I have alot ill only put two on first thing i was riding some rocks when i ripped my trakkies like the whole front of them then a family of like 15 people asked me to take a pic. They gave me a pound the secound time was when i went up on a pavment i live in india so its hot then i went to back wards 180 off and my hand. Slipped of the grips landed on the front of the bike and it done a wrong manual for two meters. I pretended it was part of the trick well houlding my chest in pain. :giggle:

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Centre of town in the summer on a busy day, did a gap to a bin, tried to bail it but left one leg on the pedal, did the splits and split my shorts right up both legs so I pretty much had to walk home in my boxers lol

I know how you feal. :giggle:

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We were riding in Haworth with D A N N Y^^ and the rest, when i slipped onto a cable tie holding my brake cable to the frame. Ripped all the back of my pants & boxers but that was from Feather wedging me while I bled a brake in a barrel of river water. Had to tie a jumper round and let the arm dangle down the rip. I had to push practically all the way into Keighley. I looked a complete pr**k. :giggle:

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We were riding in Haworth with D A N N Y^^ and the rest, when i slipped onto a cable tie holding my brake cable to the frame. Ripped all the back of my pants & boxers but that was from Feather wedging me while I bled a brake in a barrel of river water. Had to tie a jumper round and let the arm dangle down the rip. I had to push practically all the way into Keighley. I looked a complete pr**k. :giggle:

That was so funny that day you got your pants ripped and your boxers :giggle:

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That was so funny that day you got your pants ripped and your boxers :giggle:

Yeah haha, when I got home I wasn't going to tell me mam, and I was putting ma bike away, and she came in and said; "what happened there?" and I was like; " Oh nothing, I didn't even know they were :shifty::giggle::mellow:

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Hi, I have a couple. One was riding through the center of town when my trousers got wrapped around the freewheel and i could get them out for like five minutes. I ended up ripping them off.

The second was i went to blunt up four pallets and i drove the front wheel straight into the pallets and went over the handlebars.

The third one was when i went to drop off 10 pallets but bailed at the last second and jumped over my bike and the bike did a couple of flips.

Had a laugh do them though.


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tried a nice long manual (on my pure not a 24" street sled) into hop up manual on a 2 and a half foot wall.

manual was spot on, got about 5m from wall, had to feather the brake,

massive honking noise,

everyone on the pier whipped their heads around....

just in time to see me drop the font and plough into the wall.

soon as it dropped i just let go and tried to clear the bike, ended up putting my feet on the wall and falling back onto my bike much to the ammusement of my mates and the rest of the fishers and tourists

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I was doing a wheely down the street and a car came so I looked up an lost my concentration, I fell and hit my backside on my back wheel. My bike went flying and the bike had pulled my pants down at the back. i got span round and I was pulling a Mooney in front of the car and the 2 old people in the car give me a really funny look and there was a lot of people passing by at the time. Oh my god the was really embarrassing.

My mate got it on video as well but i took it off the camera because he was going to put it on youtube.


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i back wheeled a rock about 30"s big held it gapped down off the other side bout 2 feet down to another rock, land on the edge of it went to drop to two wheel and fell off and slidded along the floor in front of some people across the road in the park and a load of people on the rocks next to me poo'd them self's haha and the first thing i did was check my phone cause i landed on it and had to wrap my shit rag round me shin dig :D

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Wasn't a bail but was funny as hell. Waiting in Ye Olde Macdonalds for my double cheeseburger meal and my mate came behind me. I thought he was just looking to see what he wanted. All of a sudden he whacks down my trousers and there I am in the middle of Macdonalds with a huge queue behind us with my arse out :P.

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I was going to a hill at speed and noticed my mates were a bit further ahead so I decided to try and catch up to them. I went to pedal but my feet slipped off just as I was going over where 'SLOW' was written on the road, my legs pretty much stopped moving but the top half of my body didn't. My chest slammed into the stem and then my head nutted the front wheel, I carried on over the front and rolled about 3 metres down the road and the bike ended up landing on me.

This one isn't a bail as such:

We were up shipley glen and it started pissing it down so we set off to the station, as we got there the train was just pulling into the station and so eveyone jumped on theirs bikes. Just as I got on, my right grip slipped straight off the bars and I just fell straight over the front and was left in a heap on the ground.

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