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Would You Rather..... Thread


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Theres a group of five of you on a 30 day cruise, would you rather:

a) eat the same rubbish food every day, something like just bread and butter.


bee) have a delicious meal every day, But ONE of the meals served to your group has been cum in, and you dont know which, whicch means theres a very high chance youll be eating 6 cum filled meals..

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Theres a group of five of you on a 30 day cruise, would you rather:

a) eat the same rubbish food every day, something like just bread and butter.


bee) have a delicious meal every day, But ONE of the meals served to your group has been cum in, and you dont know which, whicch means theres a very high chance youll be eating 6 cum filled meals..

As long as there's not enough to taste/notice, and no-one outside the group had to know, cum for sure haha. I like my food.

Heres one, once in a life time opportunities - free fall sky dive or pilot a fighter jet for an hour?

I went to say sky dive, but they can be paid for and done fairly easily? Doubt you'd get the opportunity to pilot a fighter jet ever again so I'd go for that.

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I'd never want to, nor have i ever seen the obsession with skydiving.

I think thats inherited though my grandad was a fighter pilot and he always said never jump out of a plane unless you have to and if you have to make sure you don't scream and look like an idiot.

It's deffinatley be the Jet for me always wanted to be a RAF pilot but due to my stupid lung i can't, i'm a big kid inside.

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Heres one, once in a life time opportunities - free fall sky dive or pilot a fighter jet for an hour?

Doing it from the height (or higher) of the nasa dude would make my entire life. I really wouldn't be fussed whether the parachute worked or not, it'd just be awesome.

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That one's easy ^ ^ Piss every time!

Found that hilarious! Don't ask why, it just really tickled me!

Actually, what's with all the fart/piss/poo questions? This place & people are weird!

:D Its because we're all acctually 6 and poo is extremely amusing.

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