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Small Claims Question

Ali C

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Evening Gents

I possibly should ask this in the RSQ thread, but I wanted straight answers rather than trawling trying to find them.

Some may know I helped at Lee Quarry with getting some trials areas made, I spent a few days designing, taking photos and getting my hands dirty at the quarry. I never actually negotiated a set pay but was always promised a wage at the end.

Its been over a year since I did the work and I have still not seen a penny! I have sent dozens of emails and left messages on the company's phone with not a single reply.

I was going to be employed by another contracted firm at the quarry for 3 days at the rate of £150 per day, so that is the rate I asked for in my emails, the total came to £1050 all together. I have since been told that they charged the council £250 per day to cove my wage!

I want to know how the small claims court works? Is this a valid case? I think I have been MORE than nice about it up to now, but I cant sit back any longer knowing I am owed a heap of money.

What would you do?

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Was there anything actually agreed on in the emails? If not im afraid, without a written agreement.. be it virtual or not, you dont have a leg to stand on...

I didn't know we had any lawyers on here? :P

Speak to the citizens advice bureau at a guess as they'll have the answers, also if you send some kind of letter threatening legal action to the people owing you money they may get their arses in gear and sort it out. However like Jamie says, it'd be very easy for them to laugh at you if nothing was agreed...

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