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Helmet/no Helmet! :o


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They're all made to the same safety standards so you should be fine with whichever helmet you get. It'll be no different to any other skate lid with the high density polystyrene (Or whatever it's called) inner and the hard shell outer, pretty much. Just some are made better than others...

+1, i'm pretty sure a helmet- no matter what it is will work XD


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They're all made to the same safety standards so you should be fine with whichever helmet you get. It'll be no different to any other skate lid with the high density polystyrene (Or whatever it's called) inner and the hard shell outer, pretty much. Just some are made better than others...

Yes mate I agree with you there.

What I was meaning is that I just want to where a skate/bmx helmet because they are much bigger, and much stronger, and cover much more of your head than mountain biking lids.

Sorry if I didn't get that point accross clearly enough ;)

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i wear a helmet. i dont really feel like being more mentally messed up than i already am. :lol: i have a nice MTB helmet that cost quite a bit but does protect the back of my head better and most do. i found out that my head does bounce when hitting the ground at 30+ MPH and it hurts a whole lost less with a helmet.

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For me, riding trials without a helmet has no-sense at all. I mean, it's a sport where the risks of fall are very high and where you can get big injuries to the head really easily. It's like doing skydiving...without a parachute XD

Edited by simlesuperlol
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I dont get tthese people posting on here making out that if you step on a bike without a helmat your going to die.

I know its not sumthing to be proud of but i ride with no protecion at all and i have had plenty of bad injurys and im fine (Ish)

me and my mate ride downhill without a helmat because i can get faster times without one i am going to start wearing on soon i need to get a good one cause at the min i have a 661 dirt lid and they are well uncomftable so gunna get a Pro-tech one but going to sort my bike first its not my main priorty but to be fair it is a good idea to wear a helmat its just not the end of the world if you dont.

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As a general rule I do, but if i'm just fannying around I generally don't bother - having said that, I put it on the other day, hopped up a wall no higher than my front wheel to manual and looped out, smacked my head on the aforementioned wall and put a nice dent in my lid - glad I put it on!

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  • 4 months later...

order one that looks good and that you like, and you probably wont mind wearing it, i ordered my 1st helmet since cycling proficiency yesterday! lol! but its really nice and i keeps my hair out of my eyes.

altho to be honest the main reason i bought it is just because the local skate park makes you wear a helmet when i ride bmx

but i will wear it for trials too, a couple of weeks ago i tried to side hop a wall roughly 4 feet high on my unicycle, got the cranks on then slipped off and hit the back of my head on a wall next to it,wasnt very fun if im totally honest :lol:

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Im not sure if its been looked at from this perspective...

I get the idea behind 'knowing your ability' as i think i read somewhere, and perhaps the rush or kick from not wearing a helmet, some extra element of risk etc and (probably the biggest reason) reasons to do with image

unfortunately, ive seen things from the other side of the fence where a cyclist of any sort has had some sort of accident...and the thing that stands out more isnt the pain/suffering of the 'casualty', its (in some cases, especially when its really bad) the pain and suffering of the close friends and family dealing whatever the outcome was

you may have little little reguard for your own life..but maybe have a thought for those around you who do

(im aware about the helmet-less profile pic, no excuses...things change, its old and definately not somthing id do now)

Edited by chris4stars
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when i rode as a kid i didnt even own an helmet,

since the local quarry has been turned into trails with trials sections i bought a mountain bike and a trials bike, i have a helmet for both!

full face 661 evo for my mountain bike (i like to go fast! so more protection the better!!)

and a pro-tec cory nastazio lid for my trials, but i use this also whilst riding on the roads, xc ectt....

i ride with some friends who never wear helmets because they think they look uncool, i say F**K what everone thinks, who cares what u look like? :S

i try and try and try to get my mates to wear helmets but all they say is nah itll be fine.. NEVER TAKE THE RISK ! iv had some nasty falls with and without an helmet and even just walking and triping up you can do some serious damage,

its been on the news today a 21 year old guy died sliping on ice and hitting his head...

not something i want to be remembered for to be honest, an idiot who could have prevented death just by wearing a helmet. there so cheap and stylish nowadays theres no reason what so ever you shouldnt have one, i live in a really chavvy area and some times get some stick for wearing one i simply explain how easy it is to do damage and they say fair enough mate i wouldnt wear one but good for you, and thats all that matters sod everyone else.

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Stop bumping old topics!

I wasn't looking at the date stamp on the last post, I'm sorry if it really aggravates you by replying to an interesting topic that was perhaps a couple of months old? I really can't see why there is such a problem with bringing old topics to life?

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i started without a helmet, but was pretty much just practicing trackstands in my backyard. one time i went out with my brother to the park and he fell and almost cracked his head...after that we both got some lids! I'm glad i did as i was just messing around a couple weeks ago and looped out and wacked my helmet on a curb. would have been pretty brutal without a helmet.

Edited by xswimordiex
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