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Antitron 4 Clips


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We are down to 2 riders this year, but our production will be done september 1st. Here are some clips of me and Chad taken from the video. They aren't the highest quality pictures because they are video stills, but I figured I would rather just use pictures than making a trailer. This year it will be a high def production.










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curious to see a trailer or something

still on the mod? did you ride the inspired?

your hair reminds me when I tried to ride trials with dreadlocks back in the day :giggle:

yeah. The inspired was good but I like mods more. Riding wise the video is dramatically better but video wise it won't be too spectacular. I didn't have enough time to put a lot of work in the filming. Chad is pretty nuts this year he will have an awesome part as well. I will make a trailer sometime I guess.

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Why dont you just ride a bmx? I dont understand :S.

I have a bad problem with my wrist and bmxes hurt it more than anything. A mod is the only kind of bike I can still ride. That is the current reason but the other reason is a mod feels way better to me. Its softer when you land things, the brakes work a lot better, I like wide tires, I feel more stable with a big cockpit, its way lighter (18.9917lbs), longer geo makes my back not hurt, bmx bars don't come in 11 degree upsweep and I need lots up upsweep or my wrist will hurt too much to ride, and also I am just way better on a mod. I tried bmxing for 2 yearsish and after 2 years I ended up switching back. My friend chad (the guy in the pics) likes my bike more than his and wants to get a mod or a bmx with mod geo now. You have to try my bike to understand really. I told him a bmx with mod geo is better unless I can get someone to make a custom frame, because currently mod frames are 15% too weak but my because simple seems to be holding ok.

The better question is why I stopped riding trials on a trials bike. I started as a pure trials rider and progressively got more streety. The reasons why are

-trials is too dangerous. I have never come close to injuring my self street riding, but I almost broke my face, a rib, and got a bad scar for my life riding trials. If you are in a rock garden and are just stalling and loose balance you fall and land on some jagged rock and get seriously injured.

-trials is too hard to find. There are more streety style spots where I live, and I can't goto downtown on a daily basis its 20km from my house.

-I have no one to ride trials with all my friends are street mtnbikers or bmxers

-I physically can't ride trials anymore. Pedal kicks or consistent pogoing hurt my wrist too much and I don't want to do just side hops.

since it is basically impossible to ride trials for me now I made my bike trials unequipped, which means I don't really need a front brake or bash plate anymore.

I have been riding 7 years now and am extremely open minded about bike set up I have tried virtually every type of bike possible from mods with suspension, to stock bikes with mod stems. and after trying everything you just pick what you like best.

Sorry for the really long explanation XD

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