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Anyone Applying To Uni?


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I am studying Film and Television production for 3 years.

Well chuffed I managed the grade, entry was 300 ucas points unless they accepted me with less, but until my results come though I don't know exactly what I got. But Ucas have told me that I'm accepted and done!

Hertfordshire is about an hour north west of my home, I'll be living there, not amazingly far away from home but still close-ish so it's not a bitch to travel.

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I'll be going to Camborne this October to do the MSc Mining Geology. I've only been down for an interview, but I did have the chance to look round the facilities in the mining school itself, and the campus facilities like the library etc.

Having already been to two uni's and completed my first degree, I can safely say that Camborne is well above par in terms of the quality of the facilities available at most other uni's, and from chatting to the lecturers and current students, the quality of teaching is excellent. Most of the equipment in their analytical labs is the only stuff of it's kind in Europe as well.

I stayed in student halls over the few days I was there, and compared to halls I've been in before (including the ones I stayed in in my first year, my girlfriend's, and friends halls), they were much better. They were only built a few years ago, so haven't had a chance to get grotty yet. I'm not sure what the prices would be like for full terms though.

I'd highly recommend Geology. I don't regret a single thing about doing it - I got to travel to lots of new places, do some incredible things, and meet lots of new people whilst doing fieldwork. Socially you tend to get to know the people on your course better than other courses like law/chemistry etc because you're always away on trips, staying together in hostels and drinking together all the time.

One thing I would say is choose your course very carefully. I went to Edinburgh, which is excellent, but very research based. The result was that my degree was very theoretical - I got an excellent general grounding in all types of geology, but no career specific skills. This means that most Edinburgh graduates need to go on to masters study to learn industrially applicable skills you can actually get a job with - me and a few others are going to Camborne for Mining Geology, others are going on to do engineering or hydrogeology masters. So if possible, get on a geology degree with a strong vocational bias.

The one advantage of you going to Camborne for your degree would be that you'd learn vocational geology from day one, which would prepare you for a job in the mining industry from start to finish. The downside to that is you would have to be certain a career in the mining industry was for you - you'll graduate Camborne with a bias in knowledge toward mining, and so it'll be harder to break into other parts of geology. I had the four years of my first degree to really figure out where I wanted my career to go, and then specialise for it at masters.

Lastly, Penryn and Falmouth are fairly small places. From what I saw, there are a small amount of excellent pubs/bars and a few clubs that the students tend to converge on, but generally there isn't the variation you'd get in a larger city. The pace of life there is much quieter and chilled out. Drinking, going out and visiting new places are all part of the undergrad experience, so if you like going out partying all week, a city based uni might be a better choice.

cheers for all that man. I am going to try and get to some open days around. Pretty broard but it would be either Plymouth, Exeter (cambourne/falmouth), Bristol, Cardiff, and Bath as a very remote option. Did a summer school at plymouth Uni a few weeks ago. Can honnestly say it was amazing and the facilities they now have there are far exceding there once poor reputation.

Silly question but do employers look at your place of education as a standard? For example if you got educated at Oxford and came out with the same degree as someone from say, Bristol, would they chose the person from Oxford purely because of the prestigous name it has?


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Silly question but do employers look at your place of education as a standard? For example if you got educated at Oxford and came out with the same degree as someone from say, Bristol, would they chose the person from Oxford purely because of the prestigous name it has?


An employer would have to be absolutely retarded to judge job candidates purely on their place of education. There are a lot of clever people who can achieve great things academically yet they still act like complete retards, just think of the socially inept nerds at school and imagine them trying to integrate into a large team. They won't be as effective as someone with a lesser education but a much better ability to interact with other people.

I'd say your place of education would be pretty low down the list when it comes to comparing candidates. Only when they've exhausted comparing results, experience, achievements and even outside interests would they use place of education as the deciding factor, unless you've gone to a really shit Uni and the other has gone to Oxbridge.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm frikking nervous now. Not nervous about living somewhere on my own, not about being with completely new people. I love meeting new people and that.

I think it's that a reality train has hit me and that I'm finally growing up and things are gonna change! Oh yeah and i'm gonna be in a shit load of debt :/

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Welcome to the club. :P

I can't wait to get back, fed up of being self employed, working at home on boring projects for peope I hate...

13th september I get my keys. :D

Ah same man, handing in my notice for Halfords tomorrow so I can quit early, I'm on holiday from there at the moment, the place depresses me! Nothing is ever right there, it's literally a game of "who can fix all this shit in the least organised manner possible?"

I move in on the 25th September, actually can't wait, buying myself a computer monitor so I look a lot less likely to be watching TV without a licence, and it's time for an upgrade.... ;)

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Hopefully you've chosen your housemates a bit more wisely this time.....

HELL YEAH! 2 lovely girls and my other mate who's on my course and we get on really well and both like our bikes, and we go and do the most random things at the most random hours. Once we went out for a ride at 4am and went around loads of places looking for a chiippy!

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<!--quoteo(post=2032538:date=Dec 3 2009, 10:53 PM:name=I like #!)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (I like #! @ Dec 3 2009, 10:53 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2032538"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Is anyone applying for uni for next September?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

I wouldn't bother. waste of time and money.

Agree, 7 years and two degrees later I now work in a completely different sector. Think before you go, what exactly do you want to get out of it, some of the highest paid people I know didn't go to uni.

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Anyone using facebook to find people in their accomodation? There's a group for my halls, but out of 190ish people living there 20 have joined the group.

Still, found one girl who lives in a flat somewhere near mine...

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