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Is My Free Wheel Broken?

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  • 4 weeks later...

When ever I ride along every now and again a clunk happens and it loses all resistant.



Could be that your chain is slipping on your free wheel if its a new bike make sure the chain is set up properly or if an older one the chain may have streched.I found to test your free wheel is to support your bike hold the breakes while on it peddle backwards and then go forward with preasure if it slips or "clunks" its a good chance it is your free wheel but on expieriance try you your chain first. Or your chain tentioner make sure its inline if you have one.just looked at your bike kabuki mono same as me its the chain mail me if you want.

Edited by jof
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Could be that your chain is slipping on your free wheel if its a new bike make sure the chain is set up properly or if an older one the chain may have streched.I found to test your free wheel is to support your bike hold the breakes while on it peddle backwards and then go forward with preasure if it slips or "clunks" its a good chance it is your free wheel but on expieriance try you your chain first. Or your chain tentioner make sure its inline if you have one.just looked at your bike kabuki mono same as me its the chain mail me if you want.

I'll try that, I think i might take some links out of the chain as well, to check its not slipping over the gear



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This somtimes happens with my bike, but it only happens like once or twice every ride which last about 4-6 hours.

Should i get a new one or just grease it up?

Any tips on getting stiff cranks off (onza muscle ones)

Cheers for your help


Muscleman cranks are square taper yes?

If you've got a crank extracting tool then obviously use that, if you dont, use a copper hide or rubber mallet

Maybe somebody else has a better tip than my heavy handed brute force techniques :lol:

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