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Shin Splints!


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Been suffering with shin splints for about 2 weeks now and I really want to get running again! Anyone else suffered from this or got any advice? I been laying down and sleeping loads but doesn't seem to be working!?

Edited by Boswell
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I wrote a massive reply on this not so long ago, if you manage to find it then it should help out.

The upshot is that the only way for them to heal is to stop running. You started too much too soon.

The quick fix is painful. Get a rolling pin and roll it down your shin as slow and hard as you can. If you don't want to scream you're not pressing hard enough. That'll sort you out for a little while.

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Shin splints are the reason I got medical discharge from the Royal Marines. Was told that I'd need to strengthen the muscle at the front of the shin that flexes when you angle your foot upwards. A good excercise for this is to pick up marbles with your toes...

Its a pretty long recovery period I'm afraid.

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very common m the early stages of learning to run/tab with weight, loads of recruits get it.

outof the lads i have mt that have had it the best way to recover seems to be stop running for at least 3 weeks then start slowly going on walks (no hills though) and build up to walk 10 mins run 1 min walk 10mins etc.

also stretching is majorly important. im sure there will be a webpage with detailed information on how to do exactly which stretches.

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I wrote a massive reply on this not so long ago, if you manage to find it then it should help out.

The upshot is that the only way for them to heal is to stop running. You started too much too soon.

The quick fix is painful. Get a rolling pin and roll it down your shin as slow and hard as you can. If you don't want to scream you're not pressing hard enough. That'll sort you out for a little while.

Surely you want to go up? Push all the blood in the swelling back towards the heart?

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Surely you want to go up? Push all the blood in the swelling back towards the heart?

Well I've always pushed it down and it's got me through 3 marathon training regimes so far.

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I think it helps if you have running shoes properly fitted to the shape of your foot,

If you're man enough, try running bare foot. Or try toe running instead of heel striking. Both ways, though not conventional, reportedly give you less injuries.

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