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Airevalley Cycles - Brilliant Shop, Moody Employee


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Yesterday I destroyed my freewheel riding Leeds Uni, which was rather gutting as I was due to ride Shipley Glen today. So after a few drinks, the decision was made to visit AireValley Cycles this morning and fix the issue.

Upon arrival everything was going grand and I bought the tools and new freewheel (Tensile - Rides like a dream btw), and I asked the guy serving us if maybe they could assist in the removal of the freewheel just to make things easier... and the guy had an awful attitude towards me! In a smug/annoyed tone told me I would have to leave the bike with them and it would take a while because they had loads on. Bearing in mind all I asked was for the old freewheel to be undone, not for them to actually remove, fit and sort my cranks. With this I left the store, disassembled my bike outside the shop and went back in with only the crank arm and the freewheel attached. Asked the same guy how long I would have to wait for it to be done, he told me if I went downstairs to the workshop they would do it for free!

In the end I paid a quid for the removal and a freewheel spacer! I just felt there was no need for the attitude on the employee's behalf. The shop overall is fantastic and I massively appreciate what they did for me today.

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Yeah he did seem like he was only interested in the sales end of things, tbf you did buy 3 things from him was it? You thought he would have had a better attitude towards the matter.

Main thing is you got it up and running and had a good time at the glen. :)

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Nah man it was all good…

To be fair they were busy, and they'll have people spending thousands of pounds with them in one go. Although you're supposed to treat every customer fairly I reckon they will prioritise those spending loads over a freewheel purchase haha. It was good of them to whip the old one off FOC though :)

Edited by Bronz
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As I am sure you will know, I am not slating the shop itself, mostly the singular guy who as u both can vouch for me in this instant, was rather brash and ignorant when we asked him about the freewheel.

The shop itself and all the other guys I spoke to downstairs were quality guys! Just that one guy who may have been having a bad day.

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takeing a freewheel off can be a pain in the arse , they get on there so tight sometimes you need to blowtorch the freewheel .. im gathering youve never tryed to get the bugger off before , or you would of realised the shop was being really to do it for you , alot of shops would have charged alot more for that .. sounds like they were pretty fair really

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was there a guy called joe working in the workshop downstairs has a quiff . swell guy :D . but airevalley's a decent shop but the prices for some things are redicullous . but still my one time stop shop :D ohh and tarty's do a video guide of removing freewheels too :)

Edited by Jackibrap
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To Revolver - Good thoughts in that one.

To Jackibrap - Tarty Bikes will always be the best in my eyes, but for the urgency of a Sunday fix it was brilliant. I dont know if that guy was in, the guy who did my freewheel was a younger lad with a stretched ear.I will have to check that video :)

To anybody else - Just to clarify I am not putting down the store, just sharing my experience that day :)

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To Revolver - Good thoughts in that one.

To Jackibrap - Tarty Bikes will always be the best in my eyes, but for the urgency of a Sunday fix it was brilliant. I dont know if that guy was in, the guy who did my freewheel was a younger lad with a stretched ear.I will have to check that video :)

To anybody else - Just to clarify I am not putting down the store, just sharing my experience that day :)

Thanks for sharing. Welcome to the members club, although it was more the care you take with your posts than the whinging that made me do it :P

Edited by JD™
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