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I Hate Unicycles But...............

Matt Vandart

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i know they probably dont, but when i watch them vids i just think how the fluck can they cope with the pain of smashin your balls all the time?

makes mine wanna go hide

Edited by arw_86
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Why is there so much unicycle hate on here :( Most of you guys spend most of the time on one wheel anyway :P

If you want to see a decent female unicyclist check out Kaori.



Sexy bird doing cool shit on her unicycle that makes them boing, I can understand................

Has any one seen this before?

pretty amazing B)

Doesn't the music give any clues?

Trials is gay, unicycles are Gayer.

Edited by Matt Vandart
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Think about this, we get the occasional "Wheres your seat"... what do they get?!

Wheres your other wheel, wheres your brakes, wheres your frame, wheres your handlebars etc etc.

My mate unicycles, i can do half a turn on the cranks, then im almost flat on my face. Uni cycling is pretty amazing.....

But Gay. ^_^

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Think about this, we get the occasional "Wheres your seat"... what do they get?!

Wheres your other wheel, wheres your brakes, wheres your frame, wheres your handlebars etc etc.

My mate unicycles, i can do half a turn on the cranks, then im almost flat on my face. Uni cycling is pretty amazing.....

But Gay. ^_^

me and some of my mates were out on a ride the once, and some middle aged guy came past on his unicycle and said wheres your seat...

we said wheres your other wheel!

he said its behind me... and about 3 seconds later, his son come round a corner on another unicycle :giggle:

was very funny but im guessing you had to be there :)

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