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Tnn Engineering Belaey


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TR clamps+tnn belaeay pads+ sharp medium gring = WIN BRAKE

mine have been awsome the past month or so

Often see this mistake, I wonder why? d is 2 over from g, oh well.

On Topic, TNN bealeys are excelent good bite good hold good in the wet.

Rock cnc blues are better but really loud except for in dusty conditions where they are sheeeite.

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So best setup would be?

Set up nice and square, booster if needs be, good bleed, etc. You could put Stan's exact setup on another bike and it wouldn't work as well simply because the setup of the brake is what's important.

Rock blues seem to be pretty good but seem to be affected more by 'stuff', e.g. dust, dirt, etc.

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Set up nice and square, booster if needs be, good bleed, etc. You could put Stan's exact setup on another bike and it wouldn't work as well simply because the setup of the brake is what's important.

Rock blues seem to be pretty good but seem to be affected more by 'stuff', e.g. dust, dirt, etc.

So what is actually better? - Belaeys, Rock Blues or LGM?

there ok ive had better

get hs yellows or crocos or phats

Got Crocos at the moment on a medium grind. They are good, just want to find better... sorta find that they don't hold too great, but they are still amazing!

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I've had the Belaeys for the last two weeks. At first, I rode them on a death grind, and they performed a bit better than Cousts. Then I did a harsh grind, and they are amazing, believe, but make sure your set up is nearly perfect, mine wasn't and they have already worn in the wrong way.

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make sure your set up is nearly perfect, mine wasn't and they have already worn in the wrong way.

That's the sort of thing I meant about setup. The backings are so stiff that if your brake is set up on the piss it'll wear your pads disproportionately fast. I've seen people's brakes where they were complaining about their LGMs wearing quickly but they had a brutal grind on with their pads at a bit of an angle.

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The backings are so stiff that if your brake is set up on the piss it'll wear your pads disproportionately fast.

That's the issue. My crossover pipe didn't allow me to set up both pads perfectly squarely, and even though I changed one pad's position to prevent them to wear disproportionately, today I had a look and it has a noticeable angle.

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ye but only if u grind your rim like every 2 weeks

so you will go through rims like ben lazenby does forks




get rockpads

they are sweet

Comments no this?

LOL, use me in this then danny ;),

Heatsink Yellows, or Rockpads, both on medium/light grind, best i have used so far :)

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I got some TNN Belaey pads last week. I also got a Echo SL rim for the rear, with that built up and ground (was tough to get through the paint work) and running the Belaey pads, I have to say I'm quite surprised. Mine are very quiet, with an occasional squeak, so not sounding good, however the feel is very solid and they hold really well.

So though they are quiet, they are working well.

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