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Driving Lessons

Danfoss - BANNED

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It's about time i did it. I past my theroy test 2nd time. I got 1 wrong the 1st then 2nd time nothing wrong. Kinda felt good to have half of it done. I've had a few lessons but then also been driving with the g/f, friends with L plates, over 50 hours worth.

What should i do, get an assement with a local school and go from there? Idealy i'm wanting to get it sorted asap as i have my car waiting on the drive and would love to be able to road trip this summer.

Any tips, advice etc

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If you've driven 50 hours already, you should be ready to go. Just get a 2 hour lesson from an instructor and then get the test booked?

For my test, I had a 1 hour lesson beforehand (so booked my instructors car for 2 hours total). Was really useful and calmed my nerves a bit.

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Any tips, advice etc

I passed with 7 hours worth of professional lessons. Main thing is get out with the girlfriend when ever you can! I was going to my parents to the gardening shop just so i could drive there and back!

The 2nd thing is, is to find a good private instructer (not that important but they have to be private so they dont force you to do 35 hours or w.e. like BSM do) blag youv'e had loads of exp, but just not got round to your test, and if your a confident driver you can learn all manouvres in 6 lessons, and then a couple of hours to drive round where your taking your test / mock test routes. Then you need a 2 hour slot for your test, getting there and back and a 45min practical exam.

So if you aim for 10 hours its easily possible (I had to do it that was because my parents brought me a block of 10 lessons for my 17th burthday and i couldn't afford to have anymore! haha) but the key is learning to drive with family and friends, and learn to pass your test with an instructer.

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Also I think you can check pass rates for driving tests in different areas, so you could book a test there and give yourself an advantage. Then again its better to take the test where you've practiced the most and where you prefer. You can be in the queue for a test for a long time so book it early.

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Agree with Simp completely, i covered pretty much everything included in the test within my first 5 lessons, don't think i've even had 10 yet and my test is next month if i can't get an earlier one as a cancellation!

Sounds like you've got the right idea, phone around and tell them what your situation is, get them to make sure you're driving "properly" and then book your test up asap.

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More on the 'get it done asap' side of things. I did my test after 7 hours of lessons and countless hours driving Land Rovers in fields for a job (cool job for sure). Passed first time with a couple of minors. The thing to bear in mind is that a driving instructor, whether private or not, earns more money the more they keep you learning. The way I did mine was to book my test before I even found an instructor and tell him when it was. He said that was far too soon and that he wasn't prepared to take me on unless I cancelled it, so I said I'd take my business elsewhere. He caved, and the rest is history.

Thanks to him being such a good sport, I went back to him when I needed to do it again after a ban - so he still ended up with a bit more cash out of me!

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Thanks guys, i google for school local and found 2 with amazing reviews and high pass rates. I can take my test in 3 weeks acording to the DVLA. Im booked for an hour to see what i need too work on, told the woman i'm booked for my test in 4 weeks. My fear is the bad habbits i've picked up from the mix of people teaching me

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You should be fine man, the biggest things examiners look for is awareness, you can have very basic car control and do some pretty stupid errors, but if you are aware of what you are doing then you'll get away with minors.

On my test I pulled away in third gear, stalled and started again, just remembered to do my all around check. I then later mounted the kerb doing parallel parking and didn't reverse all the way back. I passed with 5 minors ahah!

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