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Bike With On Going Problems


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Hi all

basicly I bougha fourplay 2nd hand

and ive had some prolems with the ass end

first of all the derauler hanger was bent, so the chain tensioner was wonky,

I replaced the tensioner, was better but no perfect

ever since, when ever under pressure something slips?

feels like its the chain but it's not

and 1 day ping it slipped again, turns out the axell doesnt stay in, on poping out it bent the derailure hanger, and axell keeps poping out

it bent it back so its straight, and the chain tensioner cought on something, spun round and my chain snapped ( i was told the chain was too long, so I have taken 3 links out) - - - is the tensioner in the right place?

so new chain and new derailuer hanger,... I have lined it all back up

it all works cushty

but the axell still kepps slipping out?!?!??!?! whhhhyyy :

here are some pics, might b hard too see, the white bike makes the photos flare up

more pics





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probably the axle is longer than the dropout, so the bolt is tightening up against the axle instead of the frame, a quick fix would be to pop a washer over the axle between the hub and frame, the better way would be to file down the end of the axle slightly. both will fix your problem.

the skipping feeling may have been your axle, but it was more likely the chain was too long like your friend said, if you managed to get 3 links out that deffo sounds like the case! the position it's in now it fine, but you could remove the pin behind the main bolt thats pressing against the hanger, this will allow the tensioner to sit even closer to the frame increasing the wrap around the rear cog.

Edit: Just seen the other pics, you should deffo get the tensioner closer to the frame as I mentioned with removing the pin, and there is still room to get another link out of that chain I should think. you should also try and have quite a lot of spring tension if possible.

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One thing to note which is most likely unrelated to the problems you're experiencing is that it doesn't look like the spring is seated properly on the pulley bolt that it's supposed to hook onto.

they never do :P Mine don't anyway.

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in regards to the axle slipping issue, ali is spot on i had the same echo wheel, it tightened up fine on my zhi z3 but when i put it on a zoo pitbull the alu spacer did'nt clamp to the drop outs, this was because the zoo drop out's where thinner than the zhi's so the bolt hit the axle before the spacer touched the drop out,

like ali said just space it out with a washer or file the axle down.

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