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Our dog has just trapped her tail in the door and has about an inch of the bone/cartilage clipped off. She bled a little but it stopped after about 2 mins completely, obviously in any situation like this she should goto the vets but can't really afford the hefty fee.

Is it necessary? Any advice?

We got it bandaged up already.

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About an inch yeah, I've been searching around the net and it seems like it's actually not too big of a deal providing the bleeding stops, seems that I've just got to keep it clean and get plenty of neosporin on there to stop it from getting infected.

She's a rescue and she already had a bent tail when we first got her so I suppose this isn't the first time this has happened in her lifetime.

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If it was me, I would always take my dog to the vet just to check it out anyway, I know its expensive but would you ever want the dog to suffer. At the end of the day its upto you, if the mutt is happy, not licking/bothered by it see how it goes for a couple of days and keep checking it. you dont have to go vets straight away

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Yeah I'd usually be one of those that says go to the docs / go to the vets in any kind of these situations but when it happens first hand it's a different story.

Going to keep a super close eye on her for the next few days and change her dressing every day and apply plenty of anti-septic.

She's quite an old dog now, over 10 years old so it's a wonder she's got this far without any issues.

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Just read this.

Keep it clean as you said and it will be fine.

People used to cut the tails of dogs like dobermans and jack russels themselves back in the day, I know it was when they were puppies but the point is the vet didnt do it.

Also make sure the bandage is not too tight so that air can circualte but good enough to stop the ingress of dirt.

Hows it looking now?

I should imagine that if infection was going to set in it would have by now.

Not a vet but have had dogs all my life, they are hard little buggers and usually everything works out fine.

Poor thing I bet there was much yelping and horror?

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Went to the vets, their advice was to wash it was warm soapy water 3-4 times a day for 10-15 seconds each time. Just grabbed her tail and splashed it about. Was told to do this until it had scabbed over which only took a couple of days.

They also gave her antibiotics, twice a day for 3 weeks to stop any infection.

She's got over it now and it back to her usual nutty self.

Vets visit only cost $67 inc all the pills.

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