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Inverness Trials Park Petition


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Whenever we are riding in Inverness, we always seem to get trouble from businesses etc for being on their property, when we have nowhere to ride! Last night a few people advised us to make a petition for a trials park to be built in Inverness.....


I hope you can sign this, even if you're not from Inverness!

Thanks very much,


Edited by piperfraz
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89 views but only 56 signs! :( Whats happening? :$

We tried and failed to get something in Haddington. The kids were on last warnings and asbos if they got talked to again. With the threat of getting their bikes taken of them. The police said they have to act if there was a complaint (but understood the situation for the kids) so far only warnings. The council ran me round in circles only to say no on health and saftey reasons (as expected) I was going to do everything all I needed was apeice of old park that they didnt keep care of. (they even suggested that I try a famer out of town and the kids could cycle on unlit back roads with the usual boy racers doing silly speeds. (which they do nothing about) Some health and saftey solution. ASSHOLES. We now have a £100k skate park going in which will be landscaped so they can use it as sections. This part is unofficial and not on the plans and my guess is it wont be allowed because they will use it for the dog walkers to let their mongrels shit all over it instead. I have heard as they dont or cant be bothered to understand trials, it isnt in their insurance system so they cant be bothered to do anything about it and therefore health and saftey is their get out clause. Mean while they are helping with raising £15k to get it started and as far as I know the bmx skate board kids do not alot. We now have a private indoor barn for them to practice with lights and an adult being present. Sorry to be a downer on your great plans but this was my experiance. Just aim to get some friendly yard/barn owner to give you permission and go for it. Inverness council might be more educated but!! We can only wish we live in Spain or the likes with a more educated government. Go for it you never know.

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Try get some influential people on your side. Talk to some police officers about the situation and try to convince them that a park would help because it'd get you off people's property. Then they might be willing to sign a statement of some sort which would definitely help when you go to the council. (Y)

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We tried and failed to get something in Haddington. The kids were on last warnings and asbos if they got talked to again. With the threat of getting their bikes taken of them. The police said they have to act if there was a complaint (but understood the situation for the kids) so far only warnings. The council ran me round in circles only to say no on health and saftey reasons (as expected) I was going to do everything all I needed was apeice of old park that they didnt keep care of. (they even suggested that I try a famer out of town and the kids could cycle on unlit back roads with the usual boy racers doing silly speeds. (which they do nothing about) Some health and saftey solution. ASSHOLES. We now have a £100k skate park going in which will be landscaped so they can use it as sections. This part is unofficial and not on the plans and my guess is it wont be allowed because they will use it for the dog walkers to let their mongrels shit all over it instead. I have heard as they dont or cant be bothered to understand trials, it isnt in their insurance system so they cant be bothered to do anything about it and therefore health and saftey is their get out clause. Mean while they are helping with raising £15k to get it started and as far as I know the bmx skate board kids do not alot. We now have a private indoor barn for them to practice with lights and an adult being present. Sorry to be a downer on your great plans but this was my experiance. Just aim to get some friendly yard/barn owner to give you permission and go for it. Inverness council might be more educated but!! We can only wish we live in Spain or the likes with a more educated government. Go for it you never know.

Yeah hopefully we can sort some kind of thing out, a barn or that kind of thing would be good too, (we could use it over winter). Cheers for all the info (Y)

Try get some influential people on your side. Talk to some police officers about the situation and try to convince them that a park would help because it'd get you off people's property. Then they might be willing to sign a statement of some sort which would definitely help when you go to the council. (Y)

Yeah, we tried speaking to a few "big" riders, such as Danny Mac etc, but no luck so far :(

I'll keep this topic updated :)

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Yeah hopefully we can sort some kind of thing out, a barn or that kind of thing would be good too, (we could use it over winter). Cheers for all the info (Y)

Yeah, we tried speaking to a few "big" riders, such as Danny Mac etc, but no luck so far :(

I'll keep this topic updated :)

Think he was more meaning the coppers.

I know a few higher ups in the Police and the council. Will see who I can get to help out.

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Got in touch with Danny Alexander (local MP), and he's asked for a meeting to discuss needs and things! :)

Anyone have any suggestions on how to present the idea of a trials park? For example benefits and things?

Wee bit unsure to be honest...

Edited by piperfraz
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Got in touch with Danny Alexander (local MP), and he's asked for a meeting to discuss needs and things! :)

Anyone have any suggestions on how to present the idea of a trials park? For example benefits and things?

Wee bit unsure to be honest...

You want to try and sell it to them as more than just a trials park- play on the whole 'giving young people something constructive and active to do' angle. Put across how trials (and riding in general) is as much about the social side of things as the riding itself so a park would give lots of people a central area to congregate and share a passion. Probably also playing on the Danny Mac thing a bit, considering your location. Trials is certainly going through a bit of a 'boom' and Danny's certainly not hurting that.

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You want to try and sell it to them as more than just a trials park- play on the whole 'giving young people something constructive and active to do' angle. Put across how trials (and riding in general) is as much about the social side of things as the riding itself so a park would give lots of people a central area to congregate and share a passion. Probably also playing on the Danny Mac thing a bit, considering your location. Trials is certainly going through a bit of a 'boom' and Danny's certainly not hurting that.

Okay great, cheers! I'll try and sell it as best as I can :)

And......100 signatures! :D

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