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It's just so SOOO shit when people drop shoot. Just as bad when people "Halo" jump around the map.

Quick scoping is too easy and no fun.

Throwing knives are where it's at.

EDIT, Got a beauty throwing knife kill in the first day I had the game. No fluke, all skill baby.

Edited by Luke Dunstan
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I too very much agree about guns like the type 95 and/or m16, they are my pet hate on the game. They seem to be way overpowered(I think my friend mentioned if you hit with two bullets from a burst its a kill) and that just seems silly with an assault rifle, there is also very little recoil with it and is too accurate even at range.

I'm also not a fan of the ump45, it seems to be the new ak74u (from black ops) as everybody uses it and it too is overpowered with such little recoil and even though its a smg it works at long range easily.

I need to start using throwing knifes, I haven't really used them that much, i used to love tomahawks on black ops, got 11 kills in one game on black ops with just a tomahawk which was fun :L Are they pretty similar?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still prefer the new Battlefield.

I bought Battlefield 3 initially, spent quite a while trying to get into the online modes, but never properly got gripped. I wanted to love it but I just didn't. It definitely feels more like a simulator but I'm not sure that's a positive thing. I think the main problem is that I hate campers/camping. On COD I would always flank the opposition and knife campers from behind, you can't do any flanking on BF3 because of the no go zones and it basically encourages you to sit a hold positions rather than run out and kill people. Which is just irritating. Just given in and bought the new COD - the controls feel much smoother and it just seems to have a great feel to online multiplayer. Feels very similar to Modern Warfare 1 (in a good way).

So far so good, although I wish there was a gun game mode like on Black Ops.

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I bought Battlefield 3 initially, spent quite a while trying to get into the online modes, but never properly got gripped. I wanted to love it but I just didn't. It definitely feels more like a simulator but I'm not sure that's a positive thing. I think the main problem is that I hate campers/camping. On COD I would always flank the opposition and knife campers from behind, you can't do any flanking on BF3 because of the no go zones and it basically encourages you to sit a hold positions rather than run out and kill people. Which is just irritating. Just given in and bought the new COD - the controls feel much smoother and it just seems to have a great feel to online multiplayer. Feels very similar to Modern Warfare 1 (in a good way).

So far so good, although I wish there was a gun game mode like on Black Ops.

Your get bored of it quick. I wanted to not believe the reviews, but sadly they're all correct.

It feels like the fun has been removed from the game. One thing i noticed which people failed to mention (kinda), you won't find yourself jumping over obstacles, across roofs or out of windows. Very basic maps, even if they are laid out well.

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