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Stocks And Shares


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I'm considering making my first few steps into the world of stocks etc.

I've been considering it for years but just never learnt about it.

Interested to know if anyone on here is at it? Whether you do long term or short term? Has it worked out for you? Who do you use to trade your shares?

Just general thoughts wanted.

Come at me bro

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You can get started with a Forex Practice account - http://www.forex.com...l?type=practice or City Index http://www.cityindex.co.uk/offers-demo-accounts-free-credit/?cid=0000165751&ppc=1&gclid=COGYzvicw7ACFUxlfAodqiKKZQ

Don't know if that'll be any help, but saves making mistakes early on that can cost you.

Edited by SunnyBoy
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I do, currently have some money in WTI, SHG and OPHR.

I use tdwaterhouse for trading. They're all much of a muchness so choose whichever one you feel like.

This book is a great place to start.

For checking shareprices I use shareprice.co.uk (and its got a decent app too). The best place to start right now would maybe be to go onto shareprice.co.uk, type in a share (try OPHR for a start) and start reading through the discussions for that share. Within the discussions you'll see people mentioning other shares that they're interested in - so go and search for them and see what they're about, repeat the process. You'll find out whats 'popular' at the moment and will probably learn a thing or two along the way.

As for whether I've been very successful: no. Probably (hopefully, haven't checked for a while) breaking even over 2 years. The markets are really down at the moment with greece spain and italy, but if you can find 'the bottom' now (or soonish, or whenever the panic is over) would be an ideal time to invest.

Let us know how you get on!

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Unless you actually know what the f**k you're doing, don't even bother. I got out alive with a profit of 60 pounds on 1k, which at one point was under 400 pounds. You'd probably be better off investing in a more fuel efficient car.

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