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Tf Doctor Help?


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Don't see this as something to go to the doctor with. I woke up around 6am due to shooting pain from my left wrist. It hurts when in any position other than straight or when there's pretty much any stress put on it. The pain is most intense when performing a clockwise rotation, for instance I can open a tap but I cannot close it. I've looked up carpel tunnel but the symptoms don't match up, there's no numbness of the thumb or in fact any other part of the hand, no tingling or burning. Any ideas? I'm on pain killers now but would really like to sort this out because I can't work.

edit: Oh and this isn't like a sore joint from when you've been sleeping in an odd position, it's genuinely painful.

Edited by Greetings
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I suffer with a bad wrist pain every so often mainly in my left even though i am right handed. I play drums, i do weight lifting, trials riding and xc riding.

I had the similar side effects like you had any slight movement it just use to hurt so much in pain and it was fine in a normal position.

I found wearing a wrist support and covering my wrist in a cream called voletral seemed to of helped it and to go steady by not riding or drumming or even lifting for a week or so.

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i had a simmilar problem with my thumb going numb, i went to my local sports physio i found out it was from a problem where my ribs and shoulder attached to my spine, caused by the thrashing my back was taking while i relearned how to ride trials.

if you feel its a big problem i wouldnt think twice about going to see a physio about it

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Don't see this as something to go to the doctor with. I woke up around 6am due to shooting pain from my left wrist. It hurts when in any position other than straight or when there's pretty much any stress put on it. The pain is most intense when performing a clockwise rotation, for instance I can open a tap but I cannot close it. I've looked up carpel tunnel but the symptoms don't match up, there's no numbness of the thumb or in fact any other part of the hand, no tingling or burning. Any ideas? I'm on pain killers now but would really like to sort this out because I can't work.

edit: Oh and this isn't like a sore joint from when you've been sleeping in an odd position, it's genuinely painful.

If you have an extra lump on your affected wrist that wasn't there before, it could quite easily be a ganglion. If not, trapped nerve could also be a cause.

Is there any swelling/bruising to the wrist? Is it tender?

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Well, last time I asked for help in here I got it in the middle of the night and it was very accurate (arc eye). Calmed me down loads, didn't know what was going on as the symptoms set in.

This thing is slowly passing, vast improvement over yesterday. I think it was just a trapped nerve, no idea what could have caused it. Using painkillers and a powerball seems to have helped lots. Thanks everyone (Y)

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If you're worried about it, go and see a doctor.

Most of these suggestions are way off, you're never going to get a reliable opinion off the internet.

Yes agreed he should see a doctor is it persists, but way off?

Speak for yourself and others pal, I have a background in sports science and sports injuries - then again, I'm not saying I'm definitely right, most of these suggestions (including mine) should be taken with a 'pinch of salt'.

Also, from now on; if anyone has an injury - you should post a picture, that would definitely help people make a more accurate prognosis

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