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I lost my HOPE..


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Help me, lads. I have 2 bikes, Inspired 4play 2013 and Dartmoor Hornet 4X. Both have hope pro 2 evo hubs, one 135x10 (SS) bolt on and other 135x12 through axle.

I want to keep going with Hope hubs but I have 2 problems:

     1) Pic related, 135x10 got cracked.

      2) I’m changing my Hornet 4X for another similar frame but with 142x12 through axle dropouts.


So, I have few options:

-to somehow repair/build one good hub from two 135 hubs I have, then sell remaining parts and as a second hub get a new pro 4;

-to convert 135x12 to 142x12 and to repair 135x10 (SS)

And so on.

I have 135x12 to 142x12 conversion Kit in my local store for 58 USD.

I can order a Hope pro 4 142x12 hub from aliexpress for 275 USD.

Hope pro 4 SS would cost me 305 USD.

Also I have a HOPE Pro4 BODY with bearings/seals for 125 USD in same local store, but would it fit guts from Pro 2 evo?


What would be the optimal way of solving this situation?


Edited by NINJА
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So what I got right now, is that I can't use regular MTB hub body for trials due to 24T@15degrees engagement. That means I need to

1) sell 135x10 SS hub for parts, buy Pro 4 SS instead

2) buy 135->142mm conversion kit for my other bike and problem solved.


Also I've heard a lot about bad quality of 4th generation of Hope (also about industry9) hubs and.. don't actually know what to do :/

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Getting the conversion kit for the regular hub and picking up a Trials/SS hub will probably be the simplest way. The conversion kits are easy enough to get hold of and that totally sorts that hub without having to faff around.

In terms of quality on the Hope and I9 hubs, you really don't have much to worry about. As comes up in all threads about it, there are failures with those hubs, but they're very much in the minority. You hear about all the plane crashes, you don't hear about all the flights that land safely.

Just on your point about the MTB/trials ratchets, they're the same for both. The only difference is the standard Hope hubs engage all pawls simultaneously whereas the Trials hubs are 2 x 2. There are other differences between them that mean that some parts aren't cross compatible though, although that varies from generation to generation (e.g. the Pro 2 Evo Trials hub had a different diameter on the drive side - IIRC - to the standard hubs).

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Thanks for help, Mark. Also I was wondering how bad this crack is? I think I'll use this hub until winter and would rebuild wheel after the end of riding season. The strange thing is that cracked hub was almost not used, yes it's old but was used no more than 6 months actually with 180 rotors and no big moves at all. Seems like it was defective in the first place.

And BTW my regular pro 2 evo are 40T (updated version?), which means it has 9 degree engagement, which is more than enough for me.

Pro 2 evo SS are 48T@7.5deg.

Out of interest would compare their guts later.

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Hope did a Pro 2 Evo Trials/SS hub which was 48-click, while the regular Pro 2 Evo was 24-click. They then introduced the 40T ratchet version so the Trials/SS was 80 and the regular hub 48. They both use the same freehub body, pawls and so on - it was just a change to the ratchet within the hub shell, and was designed to use the same freehub parts.

The crack isn't ideal obviously, but I've seen several people ride with rotor bolts missing and not have problems so I don't think one bolt hole having a crack will necessarily lead to a catastrophic failure. It's definitely worth keeping an eye on to make sure it doesn't get to that point, but realistically you could ride it as-is if it's not causing any obvious issues right now.

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