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ebays your best bet.... if your phones got an mmc card dont bother with a dongle. get an mmc card reader. you just take the card out and slot it into the card reader and you can put stuff in like that...


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£15 aint nothing really!

You wouldnt have to wait for it to come through the post either! so all together just hassle free option!

And if you have a nokia and some other model phones! through the bluetooth aerial you are able to use your phone as a wireless modem! (if your phone has modem built in, which most nokias from the 3650 above do)

You can do silly things like use your phone as a webcam!

Send files at the click of a button!

Also only no this works on nokia - but with a file converter you are able to convert any audio and move clips i even manged to get the whole of shrek 2 on my phone! will depend on your memory card size! but can do this while still using your phone! so for a few bob! why not be a lazy boy!

and not bother with all the fuzz!


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i know for a fact you can put a full movie on a 128mb card, alsong as you use the correct software (Y)

around 50mb when you convert them to 3gp format using nokia developer tools.

i can get most films, i have sponge bob the movie. blade trinity and cheech and chong. and i can get thousands more.

should have a 1gb card soon

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Oh come on, as if you're gonna watch a film on your phone... (Y)

And if you have a nokia and some other model phones! through the bluetooth aerial you are able to use your phone as a wireless modem! (if your phone has modem built in, which most nokias from the 3650 above do)

Do you know how much data costs though? It's like 10p a megabyte. I looked into last year when I didn't have internet access and it's stupidly expensive.

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around 50mb when you convert them to 3gp format using nokia developer tools.

i can get most films, i have sponge bob the movie. blade trinity and cheech and chong. and i can get thousands more.

should have a 1gb card soon

where from? i want one (Y) you got a nokia 6230?


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