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Pro-tec Helmet

Will Arnold

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Does look very tempting actually and after riding for trials without a helmet and faslling on my head on wednesday it could be worth it  :)

Doubt ill ever get it though  :angry:

why do you doubt youll get it?

is tempting aint it.

i have a giro havoc helmet atm and im getting bored of it(black!!) and it tilts forwards on my head :)



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It is very cheap etc , and the reason for me not getting has nothing to do with the quality of the product etc just that i don't like buying products from online shops, however might try blagging my mum into it on pay day lecturing her about the dangers of trials riding etc :)" .

Also i wouldn't know what size to get even if i tried on similar helmets the sizes could be different unless they are adjustable which i think they might be :) .

Good find though mate :angry:

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I tried one and they come up VERY small.The XL wouldn't fit my big head Lol! The worst thing about the pro-tec is the foam lineing,it's just sooo hard.It has a really thin soft layer of foam on the outside of the lining but the lid comes up so small that all you end up feeling is the REALLY hard protective layer!

I couldn't wear one so i got a Capix instead,same kind of style but MUCH more comfortable with two ply,semi hard protective foam,and a soft outer layer.

Check them out www.capixco.com and they are a little cheaper than the Pro-tec too!


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I tried one and they come up VERY small.


I have a tsg, and its got the thickest padding in, but i can still get like my hand inside the side of it, and it looks so silly, like 3" or helmet shuck round the edge of my head.

I seriously may get a pro-tec one, I'll see if I can try one on anywhere 1st.

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I have a tsg, and its got the thickest padding in, but i can still get like my hand inside the side of it, and it looks so silly, like 3" or helmet shuck round the edge of my head.

I seriously may get a pro-tec one, I'll see if I can try one on anywhere 1st.

If your not a million miles away from Custom riders bmx shop you could try them,their on

617 Jubilee Road




Tel: 0870 330 8460 or 44+ (0)1462 650740

hope this helps,


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wack that in your address bar and let me know what u think :)

i reccon it looks well nice

anyone had any good/bad experiences with them? reccon they'll get too hot?



ooo noice, get one of them then whack a peak on it :) Will be a poor mans xen :angry:


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i have the Alistair Whitton version, its pretty darn comfy actually, exept, when i put it on the bit before the ears seem to pressquite hard on the side of my head. I get used to it after halve an hour though  :angry:


cool! what size did u get? and did it wobble?

cheers :angry:


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I bought an 'Aitken Ace' from custom riders in Large a week or so back, tryed that on, and it was wwaaayyyy too big around the sides, it was sticking off a good 2" if not more all the way around.

Sent that one back and got the medium, and I didnt stand a cat in hell's chance of getting that on. Was way too small.

I cant seem to find a lid anywhere that will fit to a sensible degree of 'un-stupidness' There either way too big around the sides or too tight front and back.

Does anyone know anywhere that will custom fit lids? Or if anyone has the same problem, which brand did you go for? Ive tryed giro, TSG, and pro-tec so far and none came close.

Cheers, sorry If I kinda hi-jacked the thread, just seemed simpler than making a new one.


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I bought an 'Aitken Ace' from custom riders in Large a week or so back, tryed that on, and it was wwaaayyyy too big around the sides, it was sticking off a good 2" if not more all the way around.

Sent that one back and got the medium, and I didnt stand a cat in hell's chance of getting that on. Was way too small.

I cant seem to find a lid anywhere that will fit to a sensible degree of 'un-stupidness' There either way too big around the sides or too tight front and back.

Does anyone know anywhere that will custom fit lids? Or if anyone has the same problem, which brand did you go for? Ive tryed giro, TSG, and pro-tec so far and none came close.

Cheers, sorry If I kinda hi-jacked the thread, just seemed simpler than making a new one. 



Read the rest of the thread man,you'll find that i had the same problem and Mason(Custom Riders owner) advised that i try the Capix,which i now have caus it's just so comfortable, and it fits perfectly and just to help you a little more,here is their web address www.capixco.com

Hope this helps!!


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Cheers, i'm not a million miles away from Northampton either, looks ok as far are spots are concerened, is it any good riding wise?


To be honest man i havent a clue what it's like to ride in Northampton caus i havent had the chance to yet!

I'm gonna start a post asking this question,so look out for the responces.


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Read the rest of the thread man,you'll find that i had the same problem and Mason(Custom Riders owner) advised that i try the Capix,which i now have caus it's just so comfortable, and it fits perfectly and just to help you a little more,here is their web address www.capixco.com

Hope this helps!!


Thanks bud, sorry should have read the page a tad more thoroughly.

Which actual model are you using now then? Im just looking at some of the lids on the sight and they look mahoosive >_<

Cheers in advance,


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I bought the cory nastazio version at the show and it fits like a glove. Don't even need the strap fastened cos it just won't come off. Looks good too with the black on black stickers. A bit hot but then this is trials - you can always stop and rest! Definite thumbs up from me :unsure:

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Thanks bud, sorry should have read the page a tad more thoroughly.

Which actual model are you using now then? Im just looking at some of the lids on the sight and they look mahoosive :unsure:

Cheers in advance,


No probs Tom,

I bought the opener in black,looks realy plain but mine has now been plastered with stickers so looks well cool!!


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